around, I never sell fake things.”

around, I never sell fake things.”

around, I never sell fake things.”
Han Xuan tugged at his grandfather’s clothes and seemed to have forgotten the key points he told him on the way. What kind of antique shop owner would still say that his things are fake, so he asked : “How much does this bowl sell for?”
“Thirty thousand, it’s not a bowl, it’s a Konoha lamp. A similar one was auctioned in Hong Kong some time ago, and the transaction price was HK$50,000. I need someone to take it out to sell, and You have to make money.”
“The maximum offer is three hundred.”
The boss has seen hard bargaining before, but never such a hard bargain. He cut it down to 1% at once and almost choked to death!
He said hurriedly: “It’s a real thing! It’s not those modern works of art outside! There is no technology that can make black-glazed wooden leaf-patterned lamps now. It has been lost long ago, and it is impossible for others to imitate it!” ”
This is true, The research on Konoha Tenmoku lamps only started in the 1980s. I have never heard of anyone being able to imitate this kind of thing. Moreover, although Konoha lamps are rare, they are not expensive. If you touch the leaves gently with your hands, you will see the beige glaze. These black glazes are flat, and the fake ones will stick out. This thing used to be a folk kiln, so the workmanship is rough, and the color of the glaze has become softer after hundreds of years of history. Sir, please help me get a basin of water to try. Try it.”
The shop owner looked at him curiously. He must have been exposed to antiques, otherwise he wouldn’t know so much, but this strange feeling was too different.
I went to get a basin of water and brought it over. Without him having to say anything, I put the black-glazed wooden leaf-patterned lamp in and put it aside.
“Look, the workmanship was rough at that time. There were many pores in the glaze during firing. They usually looked inconspicuous, but when the pores were filled with water, they became brighter. Your grandpa should understand, but I don’t know much about these. But looking at these characteristics, it should be true.”
Han Xuan hummed, and said seriously to the boss again: “10,000 yuan, do you want to sell it? We only have so much.”
The boss said angrily: ” Not for sale! This is something that is open to the public, but you are too cruel. It is easy to get ripped off at the stalls. The reputation of our store is the most important. If this black glazed wooden leaf pattern lamp is fake, you can come to me. , I jumped from the Huangpu River!”
Han Xuan scratched his head, feeling that he might have read too many eye-catching novels, and asked him: “Then how much did you say?”
“Twenty-eight thousand, I will sell it at least twenty-eight thousand. ”
Twenty-five thousand, the auction in Hong Kong only fetched 50,000, and after deducting the auction fee, it was almost that much.”
Seeing that he was enjoying it, grandpa smiled and did not interrupt, watching his grandson counter-offer with him and
/finally ended up with The price was settled at 26,

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