he and said: “Zhihe, come and show this classmate what it means to be arrogant. I won’t play with them if I have something to do later.” Then he lowered his voice and said: “Scare Just scare them, don’t hurt anyone!”

he and said: “Zhihe, come and show this classmate what it means to be arrogant. I won’t play with them if I have something to do later.” Then he lowered his voice and said: “Scare Just scare them, don’t hurt anyone!”

he and said: “Zhihe, come and show this classmate what it means to be arrogant. I won’t play with them if I have something to do later.” Then he lowered his voice and said: “Scare Just scare them, don’t hurt anyone!”
Liu Zhihe narrowed his eyes, put his hands in his pockets and whistled, and the boys behind him all surrounded him with a roar, blocking the four of them in the middle.
/Wen Liang raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: “Don’t worry, I’m a civilized person and don’t fight! If I have something to do later, I’ll have to go somewhere else. Zhihe will be there, so I don’t have to worry about it.”
Ji Su pursed his lips and smiled, leaning on him. He sat down by the window and waved to Wen Liang. It happened that a gust of wind blew by, lifting her hair. The girl’s skin was like cream, and her face was picturesque, reflecting the reflection of the boy in the glass window. It seemed that for a moment, the two people were leaning on each other in the space and time of virtuality and reality. No distinction between each other.
As the car drove away, Wen Liang stood in silence for a moment before taking a taxi to the Great World Club. Wen Liang saw Security Minister in the private room on the second floor, accompanied by Ye Zhiwei. Wen Liang already knew that Ye Zhiwei was actually from Zuo Yuxi, and his tone became a little more cordial.
“How was the conversation?” As soon as he sat down, Wen Liang asked about Yishan. In the previous paragraph, I pointed out a way to make a fortune to the security minister, and asked him to talk about the mineral water factory. That’s why I came here today.
Security Minister’s face was gloomy and he motioned to Ye Zhiwei to introduce the situation. Ye Zhiwei looked ashamed and said: “It’s because I’m incompetent and I didn’t negotiate well. The Yishan team is relatively complicated. The first and second leaders are fighting fiercely, but they keep arguing about very simple things. The county magistrate Deng Xingwen only collects money and does not do anything. I I invited him to dinner three times, and each time he said that he agreed to our investment in principle, but it had to be discussed at the meeting. But he had no say in the Standing Committee. Secretary Jiang Wanchao was an old antique. I choked after touching him once. Half dead, first he said that it is inappropriate to build a hotel next to the Martyrs Memorial Hall, and secondly he said that the water plant is a state-owned asset. Even if it is in the hands of the government, it cannot be sold to private individuals and capitalists at a low price. ”
He looked at the security minister and said something else. end. An Baoqing smiled sinisterly and said: “Tell me, there is nothing to hide!”
Ye Zhiwei hesitated and said: “Jiang Wanchao found out the identity of Boss An from some source. I heard from friends in the county that he took the photo in the office. The table said some nasty things.”
In the 1980s and 1990s, at the beginning of reform and opening up, gold was everywhere in the country, and al

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