g public opinion, create a good publicity atmosphere, and truly become the mouthpiece of communication between the party committee, the government and the masses.

g public opinion, create a good publicity atmosphere, and truly become the mouthpiece of communication between the party committee, the government and the masses.

g public opinion, create a good publicity atmosphere, and truly become the mouthpiece of communication between the party committee, the government and the masses.
And what is a mouthpiece?
Adhering to the above, disseminating policies, influencing public opinion, strengthening norms, and maintaining stability, this is the mouthpiece!
After Zhou Yuanting received Wei Chenfeng’s call, he was silent for a long time, and finally nodded and agreed to let him operate. But posting a few editorials and organizing discussions cannot be said to have violated much of the principle. It is better to test Xu Fuyan and his bottom line and layout, whether it is to scare the snake, or to throw stones to ask for directions, than to do nothing and wait for someone to put a knife to his neck. good.
As a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, Wei Chenfeng is responsible for specific publicity work. This time, he ignored the Municipal Party Committee and unilaterally created and influenced public opinion, thereby coercing public opinion and putting pressure on the investigation team, including Xu Fuyan. This completely violated the mouthpiece function of the official media. Zi pushed himself to the forefront.
But for him personally, this risk-taking is very necessary. The case of the Qinghua Chemical Plant was due to internal causes, and Wei Gang’s arrest was due to external causes. What’s even worse is that Wei Gang had evidence of his corruption and bribery, so he had to take risks and fight back fiercely. Officialdom is like a battlefield. Sometimes taking a step back will not lead to a brighter future, but it may also mean that you will never be able to stand up again.
After Wei Chenfeng got Zhou Yuanting’s consent, he felt like he had received a reassurance and decided to go ahead and do it boldly. Although the investigation team is stationed in Qingzhou, the main leaders of the province have not made their position clear yet. This ambiguous attitude shows that there are differences at the top, and there are opportunities to take advantage of differences. As long as Xu Fuyan doesn’t make trouble in the province, in the land of Qingzhou, even if Xu Fuyan is angered by public opinion, he can’t do anything to himself.
Standing Committee, what he said does not count!
/So this time, the Standing Committee was suddenly convened, and everyone in the Zhou family gathered together to discuss it all night. They came to two conclusions. First, the investigation team had made significant progress. Xu Fuyan wanted to report the news to the Standing Committee, and it was possible that he wanted to arrest someone. People establish authority. From ancient times to the present, holding meetings and arresting people has been the best way to paralyze and disarm the enemy. First, because the direction of public opinion has deviated from his plan, it is necessary to correct the chaos and adjust Wei Chenfeng’s job arrangements.
Everyone was confused all night, and when they heard Xu Fuy

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