can tell whether anything happened, and Lao Tian is investigating.

can tell whether anything happened, and Lao Tian is investigating.

can tell whether anything happened, and Lao Tian is investigating.
The two were at a loss when Li Xiaolei, who returned to the city yesterday afternoon, called.
“Are you busy? It’s inconvenient to talk?”
“If you’re not busy, there’s a political commissar in the office. What’s the matter?”
“You can’t call me if you have nothing to do.” ”
So fast!”
“Okay, I’ll have a rest tomorrow and we’ll go together tomorrow.” Hundreds of thousands were spent in vain, Lao Lu’s life was temporarily saved, and Han Bo finally breathed a sigh of relief.
“Husband, I was shopping with my mother in the afternoon, and I made a big joke. I saw a girl who looked like Jingjing in the West American Department Store. She was about the same height. She also had a ponytail and was wearing the goose-yellow windbreaker I bought last year. , with a floral silk scarf tied around his neck, they are exactly the same. Of course you have to say hello when you meet someone. Don’t mention how happy you are at that moment. I hold someone’s arm and shout. When the person turns around, it turns out it’s not the case. How many people are there in the West American Department Store? It made me It’s embarrassing, people might think I’m crazy.”
“Mistaken person?”
“So similar, the clothes are the same.”
“Honey, I might have to go back later, you guys eat first.”
Han Bo suddenly remembered something and hung up in a few words She picked up her mobile phone and quickly dialed Lao Tian’s number: “Lao Tian, ??I’m Han Bo. Have you read the diary that Xun Li remembers?
/” A small account book similar to a diary.
On what day of the month the salary will be paid, how much is the basic salary, how much is the bonus, how much is deducted, what I bought today, how many yuan and cents I spent, whose wedding I attended the day before yesterday, and the gift of dozens of yuan, everything is down to detail, remember it all. Chu.
Lao Tian was confused when asked, and subconsciously said: “Have you seen it?”
“I remember there was a scarf in the journal. I forgot how much it cost, but Xun Li seemed to be very distressed. She wrote down that it was expensive. What if she bought wool? You can save half the money by knitting it yourself.”
“I also remember, Detachment Han, do you think there is something wrong with the account?” ”
There is nothing wrong with the account, but there is something wrong with the scarf! It’s not in the relics, it’s not in the evidence, where did the scarf go, the night of the crime? Is she wearing a scarf?”
“Detachment Han, I don’t quite understand. Can you be more specific?”
Lao Tian was confused, and Zhou Suying was equally confused, staring at him with a puzzled expression.
/The more Han Bo thought about it, the more excited he became. He stood up and said: “On the night of the crime, it was minus one or two degrees. Xun Li wore a red woolen coat to the banquet. It was her best piece of clothing. She bought it for her wedding. The coat didn’t come with a hood, and she She didn’t wear any other hats. Are her ears a

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