gree?” “

gree?” “

gree?” ”
You said, I didn’t agree, obey the orders and follow the instructions, don’t act like a child.”
Xiao Dan was frustrated. He sighed and said nothing more.
An Xiaoyong was overjoyed and couldn’t help but smile: “Han Tepai, if Xiao Dan doesn’t go, it’ll be me. I have nothing to do at home. I can leave now just by making a phone call.” ”
You can’t go either, stay home and familiarize yourself with the situation in the jurisdiction.”
” Then who will go with you?”
“Xiao Ren.”
“Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren is an intern!”
Han Bo smiled and said nothing, but Wang Yan reacted: “Han Tepai is right, it is most suitable for Xiao Ren to go.”
He could participate in the arrest mission and go out to see the world. Xiao Ren was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to everyone, begging everyone not to object. An Xiaoyong also wanted to travel far away and asked with a wry smile: “Why?”
Wang Yan explained: “Because he is an intern. If he can participate in an inter-provincial arrest operation and if the fugitive can be successfully captured, the internship appraisal meeting will It won’t look better. Will the superiors take this small advantage into consideration when assigning next year?”
An Xiaoyong nodded, sighed and said, “That’s right, we don’t care, it’s very important to him.”
Xiao Dan did not hesitate to give it to Xiao Ren . Quan: “You are so lucky to meet a leader like Han Tepai!”
“Thank you Han Tepai, thank you all seniors. I will officially join the work next year and get my salary. I will definitely come back to invite Han Tepai and treat everyone to dinner.” Young
man . I am very hard-working and obedient, and I can help if I can, but I cannot let others work in vain.
Han Bo smiled and said: “Speaking of wages, internships should have internship wages, 280 a month. Comrade Wang Yan, please arrange it.” It’s
such a big thing to go out to the province to arrest, and you don’t know how many days it will take to come back, so you have to ask the bureau leader for instructions and report , they must also report to the township leaders for instructions.
The scum of Liangzhuang can no longer be allowed to escape justice!
He rushed to the third floor of the township government and briefly reported the situation. Lao Lu was very supportive. He put on his reading glasses, took out the legendary black phone book, turned to the middle page, picked up a pen and wrote two names and two numbers on the note. After finishing the numbers, I carefully put them away and dialed them one by one using the landline phone.
/“Chief of Staff Chang, I’m Lu Huisheng. It’s inconvenient for me to speak. It’s no problem to evacuate the villages and build towns. Everything is progressing in an orderly manner. You can work peacefully outside and leave the matters about your hometown to me. I think it will be about the same when you come back during the Spring Festival. I will cut the ribbon when you come back. Fireworks, it’s necessary. It’s nothing particularly important. It’s like this. There’s a scum in our Liangzhuang. He’

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