you several times.

you several times.

you several times.
Her father was embarrassed, smiled awkwardly, and apologized to Han Xuan for disturbing their meal.
Han Xuan smiled and shook his head, saying it didn’t matter.
I tore off some tender meat and threw it into the fish tank to feed the lobsters. The blue lobster trotted a few steps and bit into it. I don’t know how I ate it, but the meat disappeared.
/When he heard the familiar tune of “Butterfly Lovers” playing, Han Xuan couldn’t help but look back.
The restaurant manager came up with some new tricks. Other Western restaurants played piano and violin. In order to pursue the pure oriental flavor, he hired a Chinese wearing a black gown to play the erhu!
The vicissitudes of the erhu’s sound are inherently tragic.
Music can express emotions. This young man playing the erhu has very good skills. Even if he didn’t know the love story, many people put down their chopsticks and applauded.
Han Xuan hummed softly. He didn’t know how serious he was out of tune. Dawson’s eyes were speechless and he wanted him to shut up. But after all, he was his boss. How dare he blame him?
The song Butterfly Lovers is not only famous in China. As the most famous piece in China, it entered the world stage as a revolution in violin concerto decades ago.
Nowadays, every performer of Western traditional music knows “The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto”, and listening to the erhu version now has a unique flavor.
Grandma Han Xuan said, “That Zara store you told me about After checking, I found that the company behind it is the Spanish clothing manufacturer Inditex Group. It is not well-known, and its current market value is about 240 million US dollars. After watching its expansion process, I think this company is quite interesting. In just twenty years, From a market value of two to three million US dollars, it has increased a hundred times. In terms of marketing, there are many things worth learning from. For example, its products only need 20 days from design, manufacturing to launch. Which clothing styles are popular? I know what kind of design I want immediately, and the selling price is extremely cheap. I never accumulate too much inventory. I would rather sell it until it is out of stock, and make money by making small profits but quick turnover.”
Other people in the restaurant lowered their chatter and tried not to make any noise when their bowls and spoons touched each other.
/The song “Butterfly Lovers” lasts less than ten minutes, and the sound is melodious and meandering.
When the man put down the erhu, the enthusiastic applause lasted for almost two minutes before stopping. The young man playing the erhu looked a little flattered.
Like a movie premiere, the length of the applause represents how much people like it.
Now they are not clapping out of politeness, they really like it!
After the thunderous applause stopped, he kept bowing to express his thanks. Faced with the voices of others shouting for him to play another song, he walked off the stage with his erhu without saying a word.

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