of sniper master.

of sniper master.

Kenny’s extraordinary evaluation of him, the strongest among sniper masters, is not an empty talk.
“Master David, if you have the opportunity, can you come to our academy to give lectures for sniper soldiers?” Galton asked David with an extraordinary smile.
It’s not that these academies don’t have sniper warriors. On the contrary, they all have sniper majors. However, sniper warriors cannot be trained after four years of college. The dangerous guardian star is not a good place for sniper warriors to practice combat.
Therefore, the sniper soldiers of each academy will only practice in war zones with lower intensity. This is a decision made by each academy after countless bloody lessons.
/If David Xiang hadn’t been a heavy ax master, how could he have been able to use the portal so easily.
Without the ability to protect themselves at close range, ordinary sniper warriors may be killed by the first-level Zerg that emerges from the underground just in a safe area.
“Galton, David is a student of our college!” Kenny screamed angrily.
Seeing Galton Chaofan’s behavior of poaching people in person made Kenny Chaofan very angry.
David was a little surprised that Galton would say such a thing, even with the conditions.
With the title of professor, and being a professor at a top college like Volgo College, his status in the federation is very high, plus a salary of 10,000 points per month, as long as he works in the college for a few years, it is estimated that most of the college Secret techniques and techniques can be learned.
This condition is not too high, but it is not in line with David’s ideas. If he can teach in the academy stably and without soul absorption, his growth will be much slower.
Although many of David’s current abilities have nothing to do with his own strongest spirit, in battle, his spirit plays the most direct and important role.
Coupled with some secret skills and techniques, if you learn them from scratch, it will take too long. It will not be as fast as absorbing souls and getting the corresponding knowledge light balls.
Just like his current ‘Spirit Forging Gold Body Technique’, if he were to learn it on his own, even if he had a strong spiritual foundation and reached the master level, he would not be able to achieve it within a few years or even longer.
Therefore, David is very clear about his goal, which is to go to dangerous places and improve himself in battle.
“Master David, don’t rush to reply to me now, think about it carefully!” Galton Chaofan saw that David meant to refuse and said with a smile.
Galton is very experienced. As long as David goes back and thinks slowly, opportunities may arise. If David refuses now, then there will be no hope of wooing David.
“Galton, David will not go to the Volgo Star Territory!” Kenny Chaofan directly refused for David.
Just when the atmosphere here was a little tense, the instructor who had reported earlier walked in again.
/“Draper is extraordinary. Two extraordinary people came from the military, but we stopped them at

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