tay at the level of peak warriors.

tay at the level of peak warriors.

Because of these circumstances, there are corresponding potions, among which the ‘awakening spirit liquid’ can increase the chance of awakening extraordinary power by ten percent.
Although ten percent is not much, you must know that the ‘Awakening Spirit Liquid’ is just a potion that increases the probability of awakening. With the stacking of multiple potions, the probability of awakening can be increased to more than 30%.
‘Awakening Spirit Liquid’ is the most expensive of the many potions that increase the probability of awakening, and it is also the one with the greatest effect.
The raw material of ‘Awakening Spirit Liquid’ is a special type of third-level Zerg. It uses the spinal fluid of the third-level Zerg as raw material, plus other materials, and is synthesized through multiple processes.
Level three potions cannot be purchased with credit points, so the reward given by Kador Academy is not unimportant.
David did need the ‘Awakening Liquid’. Although it was not as good as the top-notch technique that would give him extraordinary rewards for successfully killing Archie, David was protected throughout the entire process and there was no danger, so the reward was quite a lot.
“Thank you, this is exactly what I need!” David said while putting away the ‘Awakening Liquid’.
“As long as you’re satisfied!” Glenn Chaofan said with a smile.
/This ‘awakening spirit liquid’ is a personal item among Jonah’s extraordinary space items. Originally, Kador Academy could reward David with some resources, such as level 3 enhanced meat, which is what David needs most, but Kador Academy’s Resources such as level three enhanced meat were all destroyed.
In the end, Jonah Chaofan chose this ‘Spirit Awakening Liquid’ as a reward. In terms of value, this ‘Spirit Awakening Liquid’ exceeded the originally prepared reward.
“Master David, I have something to ask you for help!” Seeing David put away the ‘Awakening Spirit Liquid’, Glenn Chaofan continued.
“If you have anything to say, just say it!” David had just received a valuable third-level potion, and there was no way he could refuse.
“Follow me!” Glenn Chaofan took David to the room where Edwin Chaofan was before, and then pointed to the floor of the room and said: “Edwin lived here before, but he took advantage of us not paying attention. Escaped, I want to ask Master David to help find Edwin’s escape route, as long as he finds Edwin Academy, there will be rewards!”
David couldn’t help but be startled when he heard this. He knew that Edwin Chaofan did not escape, and Edwin Chaofan’s body was in Shadow Warrior’s space ring.
“I’ll give it a try!” David pretended to be surprised, then nodded and said.
He released Xiaobai, who sniffed gently on the ground, and then wandered around the room with no intention of leaving the room.
“Glenn is extraordinary, I’m afraid I won’t get the reward!” David said helplessly, spreading his hands.
“What did you find?” Glenn Chaofan asked quickly.
“Edwin Chaofan only had the aura that entered the room. T

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