short period of time. This does not include the newly promoted Tarot Club member “Admiral of the Stars” Cattleya. From a probability perspective, this is indeed abnormal. .

short period of time. This does not include the newly promoted Tarot Club member “Admiral of the Stars” Cattleya. From a probability perspective, this is indeed abnormal. .

Of course, Klein had some guesses and planned to see if Lieutenant General Iceberg could come up with any refreshing ideas.
Edwina listened quietly without saying a word. She took a corner of the fishing net and held it in front of her.
She took out a round-bellied pen, a brass holy dagger, a metal vial and other items from her pockets and the inner compartment of her belt, and placed them horizontally on the open fishing net.
They landed there steadily without moving at all, and they didn’t seem to have any intersection.
At this time, Edwina bent down and picked up a stone that pressed down on the net, and let it fall vertically to the center of the expansion layer.
The fishing net suddenly dented downwards, causing the surrounding areas to shrink. The pens, holy daggers, and vials rolled toward the center and gathered together with the stones.
“It’s probably like this. An unknown existence appears at the corresponding location of this web of destiny, pulling us closer here.” Edwina explained briefly.
This is like an actual model of the Extraordinary Characteristics Aggregation Law. Klein nodded thoughtfully.
He was both surprised and puzzled by this. The former was because Edwina’s explanation was almost consistent with his own guess, and the latter was because it could not be used to analyze all problems.
The appearance of “King of the Five Seas” Nast is my reason. “Vice Admiral Disease” Tracy can barely explain it. After all, I have come into contact with Trischik, “Vice Admiral Iceberg” and “Admiral Blood”. There was no reason. Perhaps this was a pure coincidence and the latter was caused by the former. Klein retracted his gaze and asked about other situations.
Then, he opened his mouth and said:
“Ms. Captain, why did you invite me here?”
Edwina looked at him deeply and said:
“Your identity certificate shows that you are from Backlund, but as far as I know, this identity is not authentic enough. There is no very powerful bounty hunter named Gehrman Sparrow there.”
The force behind me is very strong, and I have a very powerful network in Backlund. It was discovered so quickly that there was something wrong with my identity. Klein did not panic and said with a calm smile:
“Everyone has some secrets.”
/Edwina was silent for a few seconds, did not ask further questions, and then said:
“Not long before Kavitua died, you made a sacrifice to it.”
Klein tilted his head slightly and glanced at Daniz, who was drinking beer.
Ahem Daniz felt guilty and frightened, and sprayed himself all over.
Klein looked away and looked at “Iceberg Vice Admiral” Edwina without admitting or denying.
Edwina continued without changing her expression:
“After Kavitua’s death, the sea god is still responding to his followers.”
Also, if you’re sick, it’s the last day to ask for a monthly ticket.
This was because he was suspicious of something. Klein

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