orld.” For women, the knife is more useful than “A Night in the Small House Listening to the Spring Rain” than the “Five Tigers Cutting the Door Knife”.

orld.” For women, the knife is more useful than “A Night in the Small House Listening to the Spring Rain” than the “Five Tigers Cutting the Door Knife”.

One night in a small building, five tigers can destroy the door. At most, it can kill a man, but a kitchen knife can make a man bow at your feet for the rest of his life and take care of you obediently for the rest of his life.
/Some people say: The only shortcut to a man’s heart is his stomach.
/There are very few men in the world who don’t like to eat, so a woman with a kitchen knife will never worry about finding a husband. ”
“Haha, Master, you are really going to go around in such a big circle with such a sentence.”
Seeing Li Qinglu swaying her graceful curves to get the most delicious delicacies from the Xixia Palace, Zhu Peng looked directly at the giant mirror in the ice room, but his eyes gradually fell into confusion.
“Women’s tears and knives have killed so many heroes in the world that they abandoned their armor. Why do people always think I’m joking when I’m serious? But when I’m joking, everyone thinks I’m serious. Why?”
Chapter 820 The first collision, blood and soul
Even a wise old man who is eighty years old will still be fooled by an eighteen-year-old girl. It is not that he is not smart enough or has insufficient experience. It is just that in many cases, the youth and beauty of the girl make people voluntarily immersed in them and find it difficult to extricate themselves.
When a person is subconsciously willing to deceive himself or herself, he or she is always easily deceived. Therefore, some people believe that men and women in love are often given a halo of mental retardation, and their IQs were once negative.
The innocent and beautiful girl in front of her cried so hard that she felt pity for her. Even if Li Xuan was a man in two lifetimes, how had he ever seen such a battle?
In desperation, he stood aside stupidly at a loss. After a long while, he barely managed to say a word: “Stop crying. If you have anything sad, just tell me and I will help you bear it.”
With just one word, Li Xuan took over the tangled cause and effect of his life.
“My name is Zhou Li’er, and I live in a small village to the west of Qinwang Mountain. A few days ago, a group of bandits came to our village and said that they were going to mine here to find crystal stones, and asked everyone in our village to get rid of them within three days. leave.
It is the place where we have lived for generations and it is hard to leave our homeland. What’s more, where can we go if we leave there?
So no one left, and nothing happened at first. But on the night of the third day, a group of strongmen suddenly entered the village, killed people and set fire to all the people in our village. My father, mother and brother all tried to save me. They killed me, and I hid in the grass and escaped all night to save my life, wuwu.”
The pretty beauty who called herself Zhou Li’er became more and more excited as she spoke. Finally, she choked up and couldn’t speak anymore. Her litt

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