ery time a Zhu Peng dies, Peng will feel his body aching and his heart aching.

ery time a Zhu Peng dies, Peng will feel his body aching and his heart aching.

The combined strength of the Huashan Sword Sect and the Blood Soul Pavilion can completely overwhelm the Qingcheng Sword Sect, but at this time Zhu Peng only has the crystallization of the initial combined strength of the Huashan Sword Sect and the Blood Soul Pavilion, so in terms of “absolute power”, Zhu Peng Compared with Qingcheng, Peng’s subordinates did not have an advantage.
Both sides have a strength of about 3,000 cultivators, but among the 3,000 men in Zhu Peng’s hands, more than 2,200 are casual cultivators, while nearly half of the opponent’s 3,000 men are disciples of the Qingcheng sect. They seem to be about the same, but in fact Zhu Peng’s side is far behind in terms of elite level, fighting spirit, cohesion and coordination.
So much so that Zhu Peng simply did not dare to engage in a frontal battle with Yu Canghai, otherwise based on the proportion of elites on both sides, the first to be defeated would definitely be his own side’s miscellaneous army.
/A “rout” is an extremely clear sign in battlefield fighting. A casualty rate of about one-tenth on the ancient battlefield can cause a large army to flee in all directions, both in the East and the West. Zhu Peng could ensure that the eight hundred elites under his command could still participate in high-intensity battles and maintain strong fighting spirit even with about half of the casualty rate. However, if casual monks were mixed in, the casualty rate of about one-tenth would cause the legion to collapse. This is no joke.
/Therefore, 800 elites among the 3,000 monks were placed in the center by Zhu Peng, holding on to the wall against the firepower of the Qingcheng Sword Sect. With the help of a good small Lingmai Mountain and the strength of the 800 elites of Huashan, they could attack every inch of the ground and every inch of blood. Even Yu Canghai didn’t dare.
It is not impossible to attack by force, but the losses will be too great, and the comparison of strength may be two or three deaths against the opponent’s one death – everyone knows that most of the time in offensive and defensive battles, the defender has an absolute advantage.
The remaining more than 2,200 loose monks were dispersed and controlled by Zhu Peng. They would never be able to find anyone in a frontal legion battle, so they could only rely on the individual elites of the loose monks to fight guerrilla warfare. A Qingcheng The disciple’s head is exchanged for a reward from Zhu Peng. This can be said to be the best way to bring out the combat power of casual cultivators.
But even if they fight like this, Zhu Peng’s side is still at a relative disadvantage in terms of actual troop consumption.
After all, another meaning of breaking into pieces is unorganized and undisciplined small gangs fighting. Compared with the regular army of monks who cooperate with each other tacitly, the probability of losing is of course much higher than the probability of winning.
The mortality rate of casual monks o

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