is moment, how can he withdraw his mind for a while?

is moment, how can he withdraw his mind for a while?

His face gradually turned red, but he didn’t feel calm anymore, he just endured it with his willpower.
The female master who taught dual cultivation of Yin and Yang was not surprised when she saw this. Compared with women, men are more difficult to control themselves. He took two steps forward, and then struck Zhu Peng’s vital part directly with a sudden palm.
/With a “soar”, Zhu Peng’s whole body’s energy and blood seemed to be on fire. The suppressed desire and energy and blood were stimulated by this, and then ran wildly like a wild horse, violently impacting and flowing back.
Zhu Peng gradually understood the connotation of the yin and yang female master’s thoughts. He did not restrain his energy and blood, but only held on to a little emptiness and spirituality in his heart, and then tried his best to run the true energy energy according to the route of “Yanyang Jue”. He closed his eyes and did not open his consciousness. He concentrated on guarding his energy and blood. Strong heat overflowed, as if Zhu Peng’s whole body had turned into a red-hot coal.
“Sure enough, I have the understanding, and I have mastered the “Yang Yang Jue” on the right track so quickly.”
Just when Zhu Peng frowned and supported the true energy of Qi to perform according to the operation route of “Yang Yang Jue”, the increasingly violent true energy seemed to have an outlet to vent suddenly.
Zhu Peng felt that he was gradually turning into a blazing fire. Although his consciousness was tightly guarding his body, outside of his consciousness, he gradually and clearly felt the bright white moon rising at the same time. The fire and the cold moon merged, and the sun In conjunction with the tai yin, the energy of yin and yang gradually flows between Zhu Peng and Zhong Ling. Although they haven’t really competed with each other yet, they can already enjoy the taste of dual cultivation of yin and yang just by communicating with each other.
The two techniques of “Fire Sun” and “Su Yue” greatly improve the purity of the practitioner’s thoughts and Qi induction. On one side, the sun gradually rises in the east, while on the other side, the moon gradually sets in the west. One rises and one falls, one falls and one rises. The yin is strong. The yang disappears, the strong yang and the yin disappear, so it changes and strengthens. Although the core is strange and simple, the skills are versatile.
/Based on the Yang Qi and Yuan Yin of both parties, and converging their respective Yin and Yang true Qi, one person releases Qi externally and hides Yin in Yang, and one person internally reflects Qi and strong Yin to hide Yang. They merge with each other to form a whirlpool, which becomes stronger the more they cultivate. The more it can arouse the effect of the sea of ????qi of the nine heavens and ten earths, and under the influence, it attracts the endless vitality of heaven and earth to gather together into a ‘Dantian’ outside the body of the dual cultivator, and the majestic vitality is pou

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