oers and restore my five levels of purity!”

oers and restore my five levels of purity!”

Zhao Man was sent to the fifth pass as deputy general five years ago. He followed Yang Gonghu seven years ago and made great contributions in quelling the rebellion in the southern counties. Five years ago, he had hoped to stay in the Imperial Guard of Haojing City, but he still requested the imperial court to send him. He came to the fifth pass of Xishu to serve as deputy general.
The main thing is to become a disciple of Xiong Tingwu and embark on the path of cultivating immortality.
After experiencing battles one after another, Zhao Man also knew very well the limitations of ordinary generals in the face of immortal cultivators. Unless he could set foot on the land of immortals and demons, he would not be able to defend against some scheming immortal cultivators.
Xiong Tingwu’s expression was different. He slowly walked out of the hall and glanced at the place where Zhang Jian was meditating.
The other lieutenants, Dao Xing, could not notice it, but he could faintly feel that countless five elements of spiritual energy were gathering in the place where Zhang Jian was retreating, and the spiritual pressure was thick.
Zhang Jian’s moral character is not low.
Two days later, Taoist Jingming returned alone, bringing good news.
After two days of fighting, the Dong Shen Guan group had eliminated the demons surrounding the battlefield on the left side of Dulong Pass.
/The results of this battle were brilliant. Not only were some of the old demons killed, but they were also repulsed and severely injured by an ancestor of the primordial spirit.
At that moment, Zhang Jian came out of seclusion and accompanied Taoist Jingming to the battlefield in the mountains on the left side of Dulong Pass to help suppress the resentment of the war spirits inside.
The battlefield of Dulong Pass is located deep in the mountain col. It is a moon-shaped basin. There is a mass grave here. The pit is filled with mist, and the light of forbidden magic flows in the mist.
“Scholar Zhang, this is the place!”
Zhang Jian glanced at the fog down the slope and nodded, then immediately stepped into it.
His powerful Yang God mind could already detect the resentment flowing and overflowing in the mist, but in his eyes, the resentment in this battlefield was actually not that heavy, and the fighting souls inside seemed to have almost escaped.
“No, I’m afraid it’s almost absorbed by others!”
Zhang Jian glanced at the mass grave. The temple of the Iron Eagle God that originally guarded this place in the mass grave had been completely pushed to the ground, and the gods worshiped inside had perished.
He sighed with his eyes. He had repaired the “Daqian Quanshu”, so he naturally knew who the Condor General was referring to. He was an immortal cultivator who followed the Great Patriarch of the Qian Dynasty. After his death, he received the edict of a ghost and god to guard this place. .
In the end, he still couldn’t escape the ending of death and reincarnation.
Zhang Jian’s eyes glanced at somewhere

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