ght in one step and suddenly disappeared into the space of the original avenue.

ght in one step and suddenly disappeared into the space of the original avenue.

When he left, Zhang Jian instantly saw a magnificent force of destiny being born from the original land, and then integrated into a certain place in the original land.
That is the place where the personality of the Lord of the original dimension was conceived.
Zhang Jian also understood the meaning of the Yuanshi Heavenly King’s words.
Yuanshi Tianwang is one.
He is two.
Two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.
Therefore, the Yuanshi Heavenly King said that he was the original.
/He represents carrying forward the past and opening up the future, and also represents the second strong person resident in the original land.
But this ‘two’, anyone has a chance.
Just like when the Yuanshi King created the world, many Chaos Demon Gods are vying for the position of “One”, which represents the Yuanshi.
But obviously Yuanshi Tianwang is the winner.
In the second round, Zhang Jian, a mortal creature, also won.
But there are other opportunities in the Primeval Land.
Behind him, the original lord, there will inevitably be born a lord of all things that represents the ‘three’, which will represent all vitality, or all changes.
Based on Zhang Jian’s current behavior, it is impossible to deduce what the “three” represents specifically.
We also need to look at the creation of other saints.
Zhang Jian smiled slightly, glanced at the original avenue space, walked past part of the former residence left by the Yuanshi King, and left in a flash.
His practice years are still very long.
The Lord of the Original Dimension still has most of the mysteries left to analyze.
But he had enough time to accomplish this.
The fairyland and the heavenly realm, the fairyland and the heavenly palace.
Today is the day when the Holy Queen of the Immortal Court returns, and many immortal gods of the Zhang family in the Immortal Palace are already waiting here.
Zhang Yi, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Xian, Zhang Changan, Zhang Qiao, including many third and fourth generations of Zhang family’s descendants such as Zhang Yujing, Zhang Tianrui, Zhang Tianhe, Zhang Tianxiang, Zhang’s Dao Lords and Immortal Lords are here. waiting.
There are even Zhang Yi and his wife.
I saw a goddess slowly condensing from the void among the auspicious clouds in the sky.
The phoenix roared in the sky for nine days, and four divine beasts emerged from it, each with strange signs of Taoism.
Zhang Jian stood in front of the gods, looking at this scene, and couldn’t help but have a smile on his lips.
After thousands of yuan, they finally met again.
Still the same as ever.
Chapter 891: Destruction and Rebirth
The three generations have passed by like a fleeting moment.
In the void of the heavens, although there has been turmoil since the new Emperor came to the throne, it has finally been a smooth transition.
Relying on the support of the Earthly Emperor Dao Palace and the Three Emperors Holy Court, King Yu successfully surpassed the other Heavenly Emperors who wer

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