from the void, can easily control space-type void storms, and can effectively snipe some immortal cultivators who are good at space escape techniques.

from the void, can easily control space-type void storms, and can effectively snipe some immortal cultivators who are good at space escape techniques.

Another example is a spell called “Five-in-One Space Sequence Group”. It is a space-like spell sequence group. Once completed, it can form a Yuan Shen Immortal spell, and the linkage of five space Yin God-level spells. Finally, A meteor in the shape of a space arrow is formed, sending the immortal cultivator into an endless hell with no chance of recovery.
All kinds of mysteries, even Zhang Jian found it eye-opening.
The only problem is that it’s too expensive.
Most of these precious and powerful spells involve the knowledge of rules and runes.
Knowledge of laws is valuable.
Zhang Jian’s eyes fell on Yinshen-level space spells again, and the price was much more friendly.
Most prices hover around four to five thousand high-grade spiritual crystals.
The more precious ones are only about 20,000 high-grade spiritual crystals.
For Zhang Jian, there is no need for precious space magic at present, as long as he can understand the true meaning of space.
Secondly, Zhang Jian also turned his attention to some spells that have great potential but are in a state of fragmentation.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a fragment. With his extraordinary understanding, Zhang Jian believes that perfecting it will only take more time.
/After searching for a moment, Zhang Jian’s eyes finally locked on an out-of-bounds inheritance of Yin Shen level.
“Huangting Blessed Land Dafa!”
/Price: Fifteen thousand spiritual crystals (in incomplete condition).
After Zhang Jian carefully read its introduction, he immediately became interested.
This technique is rumored to come from the void outside the world. Practicing this technique can condense a blessed land and entrust a soul mark from it. In this way, you can cultivate an immortal immortal body and live forever in the world.
The killing ability of this spell is not strong, but after successful practice, you will naturally gain two special abilities. One is directional teleportation, which can be teleported back to your own blessed land space at any time, and the other is defense.
This kind of defense is multifaceted. It can not only defend against foreign enemies, but also defend against all kinds of disasters. Blessed land has the ability to avoid disasters.
This is a good point.
Zhang Jian hopes to understand the mystery and integrate it into the Mountains and Rivers State Map, which may greatly increase the mystery of the Mountains and Rivers State Map.
Of course, it also contains several true meanings of the great road, such as the true meaning of the earth, followed by a little bit of the true meaning of time and yin and yang.
Completing this kind of magic will extend a path to the sky for him after the fourth calamity of Yin Shen.
However, he currently does not have so many high-grade spiritual crystals on his body.
Among the immortal cultivators who were killed, the richest one belonged to the Ghost Mother.
But there are only

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