

At this time, the door opened.
Lu Buwang looked down at Lin Buyan, who was kneeling obediently with a fearful look on his face, and snorted coldly: “Junior Sister Liu is dignified and generous. She is not a bitch who hooks up with married women. Even if she is, she doesn’t dare to blatantly come to Beijun Mountain to find her.” You, this is a slap in my face, she would not be so unwise.”
“Madam, you just need to understand. There must be someone pretending to be me, wanting to do something evil, and deliberately framing me.”
Lin Buyan was uneasy, his mouth moved subconsciously, and he said dirty words: “For example, the boy named Lu, in my husband’s opinion, it is nine out of ten that he did a good thing.”
“Bah, you have a guilty conscience. Don’t falsely accuse the younger generation. He is a good boy and he is not as ill-intentioned as you.”
Lu Buwang glared at Lin Buyan fiercely: “Also, I haven’t finished speaking yet, why are you in a hurry!”
“Madam, please speak slowly if you have something to say.”
“Lin, you actually knelt down. I just thought you were stamping your feet and pretending.”
“Madam, what you said is true. As long as you are not angry, of course you can kneel down for your husband for a day. Madam, you can’t bear to do it.”
Lin Buyan wiped the cold sweat from his head and said: “Hurry up and help me up, I can’t use my legs anymore.”
Lu Buwang narrowed his eyes: “If you stamp your feet, maybe today’s matter is really a misunderstanding, but if you kneel down so simply, you must have something in your heart! Tell me, who is that bitch? Is she in Yuezhou?”
Lin Buyan:
/If it were said that the world where only Leader Lin was injured on Beijun Mountain was achieved, Jianfeng was just an ant on the hot pot that day and had already exploded.
First of all, the Tianjian Peak that suppressed the destiny of the Tianjian Sect, and the sword that abandoned Li Jing in the past, is now slightly tilted, pointing faintly towards the south.
Secondly, several elders with Nine Swords were meeting to criticize the person who killed Lexian. They were spitting and saying that he had insulted the reputation of Nine Swords and was worse than Lin Buyan.
As he spoke, the nine swords trembled, and everyone knelt down to give the gift, and looked at each other in bewilderment.
“What happened? Did the sky fall?”
“The sky has not fallen, but Tianjian Peak”
“Where did the sword intent come from? What did Da Sutian sense? Why did he look for a response from the sky for no reason?”
“The same is true for Dawei Tian. His power comes from a strange place. If there is God’s will in the dark, please warn us.”
“Shut up, the matter is over, don’t disturb the morale of the army!”
Except for Zhan Lexian, who was not present, the remaining seven elders were all uneasy. They did not care about scolding Zhan Lexian, so they split up. Several people went to Yangjian Cliff and Jianchi to check the situation, and a few people went to ask the previous elders to answer questions. Solve doubts.
It should be m

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