ause of love, he couldn’t help but ask, “Can it be cured?”

ause of love, he couldn’t help but ask, “Can it be cured?”

ause of love, he couldn’t help but ask, “Can it be cured?”
Zhao Xinxin hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, “It can be cured, but are you sure you want to marry her?”
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t marry her. “Under the eaves not far away, Aunt Li said, “It’ll be good if it can be cured.”
Zhao Xinxin gave her a faint look, “I’m not talking to you, you’d better not interrupt. This is etiquette, do you understand? ”
Aunt Li immediately shut up. No matter how pretentious the Li family is, they have no right to act arrogantly in front of the King of England’s ninth princess.
“I still am.” Qin Tianzhu pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind, “I have to admit that I have harmed her.” ”
Still a man,” Zhao Xinxin nodded, and then spoke, “The curse of karma, incense becomes a god.”
” Karma curse?” Qin Tianzhu’s face was full of confusion.
“Incense has become a divine way?” Aunt Li’s face was full of shock, “Wild sacrifice?”
“It’s not a wild sacrifice, it’s Buddhism,” Zhao Xinxin said lightly, “She suffered from the karma of her parents.
” During this period of time, she has already asked clearly.
For Fairy Yongxin, skin imperfections are really not a problem.
Li Yongsheng handed over such patients to her. She was full of confidence and very motivated – you refused to treat the scars on your own face before you were sure that I had awakened. Now you ask me to help you treat other people’s scars. I I can’t let you off the hook.
However, the moment Duo’er took off her veil, she discovered that there was a cause and effect in your injury.
She was very sure that if Shengsheng could see this injury, he would judge it immediately.
But Yongsheng didn’t diagnose this girl, so she had to make a good judgment.
/“Parents cause and effect, incense creates the way of God and Buddhism,” Li Yongsheng chewed these three words, and then spoke thoughtfully, “What wish did her mother make?” ”
That’s right,” Zhao Xinxin nodded, “Her mother She is from Nangui County. It is not known what kind of wish she made as a Buddhist, but Duo’er said that she made a wish for her daughter.” It’s
really impossible to guess what kind of wish she made, because everyone is already dead. .
But after death, cause and effect will not be broken. Li Yongsheng frowned, “In other words, her mother did not fulfill her wish?”
He had already realized what was going on. Buddhism and Taoism are relatively alternative religions in Shintoism. Persuasion Be kind and patient to others, and do not cultivate this life but cultivate the next.
But all incense-making Shintos have the problem of fulfilling the wish after praying, even for the grass-headed god – whatever you pray to me, I will send down my will to help you do it, and you have to fulfill your wish.
Duo’er’s mother made a wish in order to have an heir, but she didn’t fulfill her wish, so the karma was retribution on her daughter.
A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Yongsheng’s mouth, “These monks are too stingy. Duo’er’s mother may not be unwilling to r

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