t the scene, and there are also many discerning cultivators, so doing so can easily expose him.

t the scene, and there are also many discerning cultivators, so doing so can easily expose him.

t the scene, and there are also many discerning cultivators, so doing so can easily expose him.
More importantly, because there are too many cultivators on his side, he cannot choose to fight head-on.
Otherwise, the aftermath of those shocks may cause great damage – although the indigenous people who have not left the scene will suffer more casualties, but he is surrounded by the elites of several major families and the three major palaces, and those indigenous people How can life be compared with it?
So the best method he could choose was to teleport.
So, there is a reason why he only teleported two feet. The farther he teleports, the more spiritual energy he consumes. You must know that this is the teleportation master, not the teleportation system!
And at that time, Ding Qingyao had already used his big red hand, and Hang’s sword had also been sent out. If it was sent too far, wouldn’t it be a waste of the attacks of these two passes?
Therefore, the distance of two feet is just right, no more.
As for the opponent’s True Lord feeling that he is being disgusting, there is nothing he can do about it. On the battlefield, where life and death are on the line, how can he consider the enemy’s feelings?
After driving Murong Shenqi away, the white tiger in the air spat out words, “We haven’t seen each other for many years, and Zhenjun Xiangshi’s cultivation has become more and more advanced.” ”
Haha,” after a long laugh, a tall and burly man appeared in the air. The figure said, “I haven’t seen Yang Zhenjun for a long time. Your skills in sealing off towns are becoming more and more amazing.”
“I won’t tell you more. I want to go to the Arctic Palace to have a look.” The huge white tiger became blurry, and soon , the sky became empty, and even the red flag disappeared.
“What are you putting on?” The burly figure saw this and snorted unhappily, “You think there is no True Lord in the Arctic Palace?”
/Theoretically speaking, if there is an attack by the True Lord here, the Arctic Palace may also encounter the True Lord. The attack and the reaction of the White Tiger Temple True Monarch were not wrong.
But Ding Xiangshi knew in his heart that he and Yang Zhenjun were not very good at dealing with each other.
Chapter 560:
It is no longer clear when Ouding Xiangshi and Yang Zhenjun had their feud. If there was any unsolvable conflict between the two, there was none. However, when the two were still real people, they looked at each other. Not pleasing to the eye.
It’s probably because the hidden family and the four major palaces have some prejudice against each other.
The two have also competed, losing and winning, but every time Ding Xiangshi would say, I didn’t use my full strength. If it was a life and death battle, I would definitely win today – or “You will die today.”
And Yang Zhenjun always smiled disdainfully, “Why don’t you show off your Ding family’s wealth and compare it with the four palaces of mine?”
/Although this was not pleasant to hear, Ding Xiangshi could not refute it. The fo

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