bicycle was already in the hands of Ning Zhiyuan. Although it was manufactured by the Ordnance Bureau under the supervision of the Queen, this project was under the supervision of the Royal Horse.

bicycle was already in the hands of Ning Zhiyuan. Although it was manufactured by the Ordnance Bureau under the supervision of the Queen, this project was under the supervision of the Royal Horse.

bicycle was already in the hands of Ning Zhiyuan. Although it was manufactured by the Ordnance Bureau under the supervision of the Queen, this project was under the supervision of the Royal Horse.
Chapter 471: Pushing others to benefit oneself.
Bicycles have the advantages of bicycles, but they also have disadvantages of not being able to keep up with war horses.
/In places like Boling and Sanxiang where water networks are crisscrossed, the role of war horses is subject to some restrictions.
However, bicycles have an advantage when encountering water networks. They can be carried and walked.
The northwest and northeast are the main battlefields for galloping war horses, and there are not many water networks there.
But at the same time, there are still many mountainous areas in Boling and Sanxiang – plains are crisscrossed by water networks. On the mountainous areas, bicycles are useless. In these places, you can only count on war horses.
Li Yongsheng thought about it, and then asked, “Does Boling need a bicycle?”
“If the Munitions Secretary is willing to give it to us, we will take it,” Wang Zhiyun replied shamelessly, and then added a note, “Although bicycles are easy to handle, but in the The impact on the battle formation is not as good as the war horse. It is better to get the war horse first, which can improve the combat effectiveness in a short time.”
Li Yongsheng was completely speechless, “Okay, get the war horse first, I will write a note to Ning Zhiyuan, you are here Go to him and make a deal first. If he doesn’t betray me, I will borrow your luck room for nothing.”
“How is that possible?” Wang Zhiyun laughed dryly, “Did you save Ning Yuma’s life? , he has so many horses, how big a deal is ten thousand?”
“It’s not a big deal, then go and get it.” Li Yongsheng glared at him angrily, “My relationship with Ning Zhiyuan is not at all what you think. It’s so simple!”
Seeing that he didn’t bother anymore, Li Yongsheng finally focused all his attention on this matter. After thinking about it for a while, he asked, “Which member of the Royal Horse Supervisor is responsible for distributing war horses?”
“Yes. A little eunuch named Oscar,” Wang Zhiyun answered immediately, which shows that he really thought about this matter carefully.
But then, he said, “That person is not easy to get in touch with. I heard that he was lustful and even gave him two husband-in-laws as gifts. However,”
some secret things can be said, but some things that go beyond the bottom line can be left unsaid or not. .
The eunuch is also lustful? Li Yongsheng smiled, and then asked, “Isn’t he working as an angel and traveling all day long? How can he be responsible for this?”
/This Li Yongsheng is really awesome! No matter how unconvinced Wang Zhiyun was, at this moment, he had to sigh at how powerful this person was. If he just named a person, he would be able to tell one, two, or three with just his mouth. He had put in a lot of effort to get this information.
He replied with a smile, “Eunuch Ao travels around

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