e trapped,” Li Yongsheng said calmly, “I think the right choice is for Boling’s army to go south to Sanxiang.”

e trapped,” Li Yongsheng said calmly, “I think the right choice is for Boling’s army to go south to Sanxiang.”

e trapped,” Li Yongsheng said calmly, “I think the right choice is for Boling’s army to go south to Sanxiang.”
“Huh?” Zhao Xinxin’s eyes suddenly lit up, “This is a good idea, but this It’s not easy to make a decision.”
Li Yongsheng nodded, “So, I have to go to Boling in person to meet Wang Zhiyun.”
Zhao Xinxin also nodded, and then looked at him thoughtfully, “This idea, what have you done in the past few days? Why didn’t God say anything?”
“A few days ago, I didn’t expect that Bo Ling planned to send troops. It would be difficult to persuade him,” Li Yongsheng replied calmly, “Now that he has plans to send troops, persuade him to change direction. It’s relatively easy to handle.”
Zhao Xinxin nodded slightly, “Then who are you going to take with you?”
Li Yongsheng thought for a while, “How about taking Zhang Laoshi and taking him to the Northeast by the way.”
” No,” Zhao Xinxin flatly refused. After thinking about it, she spoke again, “Add Du Jingjing.”
“Du Jingjing?” Li Yongsheng looked at her strangely, don’t you dislike her very much?
Zhao Xinxin snorted coldly, “What’s your expression? I asked you to take her with me because she has the status of a Taoist palace. Don’t think wrongly!”
Li Yongsheng rolled his eyes helplessly, “Okay, let’s see if she can Contact the Qu Adu family, the situation is not good now, it is still necessary for everyone to communicate more with each other.”
Zhao Xinxin snorted in dissatisfaction, thinking that you had already had a similar plan.
However, she was too lazy to care about this situation, so after hesitating, she said, “By the way, that Zhang Laoshi, don’t be in a hurry to let him go to the Northeast and protect you when he comes back.”
Between her husband and the father in this life , she still cares more about her husband.
/Chapter 658:
Zhang Laoshi did not follow Li Yongsheng out of the valley.
In his words – I am very satisfied with my current situation, and I don’t want to get too close to you and be suspected by others.
So he went out quietly, and found Li Yongsheng waiting for him fifty miles outside Thunder Valley.
Zhang Laoshi is actually quite resistant to this kind of mission. He promised the other party to take action three times, but there may not be a chance to take action on such a mission.
/However, he couldn’t refuse, because Shopkeeper Li had already eliminated the cause and effect on him – even if Zhenjun took action, his relationship with the True God Sect would not be inferred.
This is what Li Yongsheng said. The method of exorcism was to use a rather weird formation, which lasted for seven days.
Zhang Laoshi is not very good at formations, but he also has his own secret skills that can determine whether what the other party says is true or false.
It was precisely because he had obtained the benefits first that he could not shirk such a task.
Du Jingjing, on the other hand, didn’t even know this person’s true identity. Seeing that this mere cultivator actually asked Li Yongsheng to wait, she was indescribably cur

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