ining the truth through spiritual practice. I don’t know how he managed it.

ining the truth through spiritual practice. I don’t know how he managed it.

ining the truth through spiritual practice. I don’t know how he managed it.
The expert is watching the door, and Liba is watching the excitement. For a moment, Liu Qi felt that the Yang family’s bullshit was not just a boast, but a real bull!
But Du Jingjing refused to let it go. This does not mean that she is a layman and does not understand at all, but that the Du family has a feud with the Yang family, and they caught the wild priest and chased him fiercely. To the Taoist palace, this was politically correct.
So she snorted softly, “Is it just a Buddhist cultivator passing by?”
Yang Fengxi was also angry. Such a big secret of hers was known to the other party, and these guys were still unwilling to let it go?
He smiled coldly, “Are there any Buddhist cultivators that my family has ever received who would not leave?”
“There must be some Buddhist cultivators who would not leave,” Du Jingjing answered simply, “I just don’t know, is it Yang?” I am the person who has received the guests, and I will not make false threats.” Hearing this,
Yang Shiliu was furious, “The Qu’adu family used to be the number one power in the hidden family. , since you are the Du family, will you only rely on your identity as a disciple of Xuannv Palace to talk nonsense?”
Yang Fengxi was stunned when he heard this, “This real person is the queen of the Qu’a Du family?”
“Did I talk nonsense? , you should know in your heart,” Du Jingjing sneered, “There are Buddhist cultivators operating near Shangdang, and they are recruiting people in the name of Jinwang Naxian Hall. As a resident of the Yang family, you don’t even know this, right?”
/Yang Shi Liu and Yang Fengxi exchanged glances, and both could see the confusion in each other’s eyes.
Then, it was Elder Yang Er who spoke up, “Shangdang has been surrounded by demons recently, and the Yang family may not be able to take care of it. We don’t know very well about Buddhism. Can you prove that it is related to the Yang family?”
Yang Shiliu followed closely. Then he said, “If there is no evidence, you are just talking like this, it is disrespectful to the true king!”
Du Jingjing was very worried about the Yang family, and he was gritting his teeth towards Du Jingjing?
However, this time, there was no need to wait for Du Jingjing to fight back, Liu Qi spoke first.
As a scholastic master, Liu Zhenren is quite good at debating. He may not be inferior to anyone in terms of true knowledge and insights, but in sophistry such as “a white horse is not a horse”, he is not inferior to anyone.
So he said, “We are here to investigate, not to accept doubts. I just want to ask you if you can prove that those Buddhist cultivators have nothing to do with the Yang family?”
In fact, it is a question of which party claims it and which party should provide evidence. .
However, it is politically correct and procedurally fair for the Taoist Palace to pursue the wild priest. I, the North Pole Palace, advocated it. I suspect that you colluded with the wild priest. Ordinarily, I should pr

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