he Holy Mother. The thinking of the rangers of the Middle-earth Kingdom is also very simple: Since you Rouran people dare to come to the Middle-earth to burn, kill and loot, the Middle-earth people can naturally retaliate in kind.

he Holy Mother. The thinking of the rangers of the Middle-earth Kingdom is also very simple: Since you Rouran people dare to come to the Middle-earth to burn, kill and loot, the Middle-earth people can naturally retaliate in kind.

he Holy Mother. The thinking of the rangers of the Middle-earth Kingdom is also very simple: Since you Rouran people dare to come to the Middle-earth to burn, kill and loot, the Middle-earth people can naturally retaliate in kind.
They went even further than the Rouran people. The Rouran people crossed the border with only a hundred people, but the Middle-earth people crossed the border with more than a thousand people.
The Rouran people did not dare to go too far when they crossed the border. A hundred miles would be as high as the sky. The Chinese people crossed the border and had already crossed four hundred miles!
Isn’t it a bit too much? not at all! From the perspective of the Middle-earth Ranger, Rouran is a small country with a total population of only three to four million, plus an incredible three to four million “non-humans” – that is, slaves.
And what about Middle-earth? Not to mention other places, Boling County, where Li Yongsheng is located, has a population of over 100 million!
The population of a single county in Central China is more than ten times greater than that of Rouran.
For such a big country, if Rouran had not had poor soil and harsh climate, China would have conquered it long ago.
Therefore, the Chinese people believe that if you think of small things as big things, you should act like a small country.
But this Rouran still wants to take the initiative to provoke Zhongtu, saying that millions of people who control strings dare to play harder?
The most unbearable thing for the rangers in Middle-earth is this: a male lion was provoked by a little mouse and kicked in the nose. No one can bear it.
It would be perfectly normal to retaliate harshly. You asked for it – if you were honest, we would be too lazy to go to that kind of barren land if you invited us there.
/The appearance of the ranger was a bit unexpected from the Rouran Kingdom. In their eyes, China is a great country. Even if there is a war, they must show off their horses and carriages. Like now, they condone bandits and plunder. What kind of situation is this? thing?
So they protested against China.
The Middle-earth Kingdom ignored them at all. Instead, they warned the other party that they were horse bandits on the grassland. They robbed a lot of people in the Middle-earth Kingdom a while ago, and now they have come to your place? Then we can only reciprocate with sympathy.
The country of Rouran is vast and sparsely populated. Because of cross-border attacks by “horse bandits”, many people had to evacuate from the border further north.
It is precisely because of this that the Middle-earth Rangers even entered Rouran for four hundred miles – otherwise they would not be able to find a suitable target.
It must be pointed out that the further south the Rouran country goes, the better the climate and environment are. On the border of Rouran, although there are not large oases and pastures, there are many small oases.
In the northernmost part of Rouran, at the border with the Ivan Kingdom, there are only

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