bserving the Tao and enlightening the Dharma. Apart from the sudden rise of the Tao and Dharma, there is no other use at all.

bserving the Tao and enlightening the Dharma. Apart from the sudden rise of the Tao and Dharma, there is no other use at all.

And it was with the complete disappearance of that last thought.
Zen Master Yuehua’s whole mind was completely immersed in the process of driving the “Jade Book” to the east to pipe the moonlight. At this moment, Zen Master not only stopped looking at it from a distance, but even took the “Jade Book” with him. The telepathy of “Jade Book” has also been cut off, and the vast and boundless southern border is now no different from the ordinary world.
The last time there was a sudden change in the West, this influx of moonlight lasted for more than a month. Now the East has become even more shaken. Such a terrifying void crack is destined to appear in the overlapping process of the Sumeru Barrier. , swallowing up more spiritual essence.
And it is also in the process of this slow passage of time.
Within the Lingfu Cave.
On the Blood Spirit Island that Gong Wanzhu established by pulling all the spiritual veins on his own, Gong Wanzhu was standing quietly in front of the Kuandao Palace on the highest peak of the island.
Looking towards the vast ocean of vitality shrouded in the hazy rain, as well as the deeper sky of the vast ocean.
When you look carefully, you may have been deeply influenced by Chu Weiyang. Not only the Feng Shui style created by the mountains is very close to Feijiu Peak, but also the Kuandao Palace on the top of the peak. The outline and charm of Toad Palace.
At this moment, Gong Wanzhu, who was standing in front of the Dao Palace, was even more energetic, as if he had just taken the supreme medicine related to the power of qi and blood. Even as time passed slowly, The surging state of Qi and blood is still radiating little by little, as if the essence of the supreme medicine is still radiating little by little in the inner heaven of Gong Wanzhu.
And with this kind of energy, Gong Wanzhu looked into the distant sky. In the depths of his eyes, suddenly there was a hole of blood flames, and the blood spirit seal pattern turned into a harmonious formation and overlapped in the pupils of his eyes. .
/And it was during the execution of the Supreme Eye Technique of the Blood Spirit Cultivation Method that Gong Wanzhu easily saw the Taoist aura and aura rising into the sky in all directions, as well as the entangled… The scene illuminated by the glow.
There is a golden and red phoenix circling in the sky, and the magic flame condenses into a spiritual seed and turns into a phoenix, following closely behind. In the blazing sea of ??fire, there are all four phenomena of yin and yang, and then under the hole of the golden and red flag, in an instant, The dharma flames of the four images of yin and yang seem to be condensed into a bottle of dharma furnace of the universe.
When I looked inside carefully, I saw more magic flame seeds steaming inside, being refined together with the aura and sweet rain.
/There are five-colored clouds entangled and condensed in the distant sky, and

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