Dharma Assembly. This Chunyang Palace master took it to a higher level. , it seems logical.

Dharma Assembly. This Chunyang Palace master took it to a higher level. , it seems logical.

Such a chance, almost after the Chunyang Palace released the Taiyin Shape Refining Mysterious Coffin in the past and presented this Pure Yang Flame, the current cause and effect and immortal fate seemed to have been destined.
As for the Master of the White Bone Temple, this may be due to Chu Weiyang. In the Taiyin Demon Sacred Heaven controlled by Chu Weiyang, above the sea of ??black and yellow clouds, there is the most majestic White Bone Temple.
/Chu Weiyang will never forget where the supreme material forged from the White Bone Taoist Palace came from.
That was when Chu Weiyang suddenly stood outside the world in the past, during the massacre of searching for the portal of the Three Yuan Realm, the backhand of the two realms of heavenly cultivators that he had seen was the lineage of White Bone Guan. The most orthodox one is the twelve bone compasses of the divine level!
/Chu Weiyang once had a real insight into the scene when the twelve compasses performed the twelve bones of the evil spirit, and he also once devoured the divine compasses that were completely turned into powder without any reservation. and refining, shaping it into the White Bone Dao Palace.
It is precisely for this reason that when Chu Weiyang preached various Dao Sutras at Qianyuan Mountain, it was only here at the White Bone Temple that most of their true essence and meaning were explained most thoroughly and clearly.
Considering this, it is not surprising that the Master of White Bone Monastery has made such smooth progress not only after mastering the complete sutra, but also having the true essence of Taoism reflected by Chu Weiyang.
But it was at this moment that even the Master of the White Bone Temple and the Master of the Chunyang Palace had arrived at the outer sea, and even the figure of the Miaoshu Dragon King Buddha, who stood at the farthest place, was already hanging in the Chalcedony River. When in the sky.
In this flash, the elder Zong’s eyes were full of unprecedented murderous thoughts. When he stared coldly at a place south of the Chalcedony River, he also followed Chu Weiyang’s gaze.
And as the eyes of the two pressed hard, the cultivators stared away one after another.
Still no movement.
At this moment, the elder Zong spoke in a rare cold voice.
“If you are not here when King Buddha arrives, I will take your life first and then enter the murderous calamity! Hyena! Do you dare to give it a try!”
Finally, at this moment, when the words fell, in the distant sky in the south, I saw the leader of Wu Jin with a face full of reluctance, revealing his figure in the air, and then flying towards the outer sea.
This was a rare thing that even made Chu Weiyang frown slightly.
When it comes down to it, the leader of Wu Jin doesn’t have the talent to knock on the door of the divine realm. However, today’s results are the reverse of yesterday’s causes.
It was due to an accident in the past that Chu Weiyang used the king Gu that was

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