again, perhaps even Chu Weiyang didn’t notice that his hoarse voice was broken.

again, perhaps even Chu Weiyang didn’t notice that his hoarse voice was broken.

“Get into formation!”
When the words fell, it was Miss Qinghe who held the lotus seal with both hands. It seemed like the sky was in the sky, like it was holding a mountain. The compass rising up in the sky seemed to contain a huge power!
And in an instant, Chu Weiyang also took the master’s handprint and climbed up the mountain!
An unprecedented bright light suddenly shone on the entire island. The original black light shield shattered, and between the lightning and stone fire, nine red text appeared. The moment it was revealed, it was like a whirlpool in the eye of the sea, absorbing the energy from all directions. water vapor.
When he looked again, the positions of the nine palaces in the circle of the aura were changing, and the eight red inscriptions were spiraling into a circle, showing the innate energy of the Eight Diagrams. In the center, a red inscription served as a mirror to guide the changes in the heavens. !
In the haziness, the condensed water vapor was wrapped outside the nine red words. At first glance, there was some kind of island somewhere in the original place. It was clearly a gigantic nine-faced black turtle sitting cross-legged on the sea!
At the same time, the dark blue fireworks that had been stored in the wooden temple for a long time finally burst into light at this moment!
/Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
Almost in the blink of an eye, there were continuous sounds of breaking through the air, and the true forms of the five phoenixes were condensed in the fierce fireworks!
Amidst the exciting cries, the five phoenixes flew across the sky, burning the water vapor all over the sky into white air waves. Then, under Chu Weiyang’s gaze, they hit the barrier one after another almost instantly. the same position above.
boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!
Right before your eyes!
The high-hanging seawater barrier burst into pieces amidst the roar of the magic flames and the violent sweep of the evil fire!
The sky suddenly darkened at this moment.
Layers were peeled off from the barrier, but the waves still contained tremendous power and kept falling down!
For a brief moment, the spiritual light on the island-protecting formation flickered on and off, and there seemed to be a wailing sound in the dark.
It seems that in the next moment, the entire formation will be on the verge of reaching its limit and completely collapse.
But the meaning of the innate Eight Diagrams still flows in those red inscriptions.
One breath, two breaths, three breaths
In the dark and dark environment, that short time actually became extremely long.
With each wave falling, Chu Weiyang and Miss Qinghe’s faces turned pale, and they suddenly felt like streams of mana pouring into the hanging compass like a vast ocean.
In no time, the sound of metal and stone clashing came from the edge of the formation.
At this moment, Chu Weiyang couldn’t see clearly, but he could vaguely sense that there might be the body of some monster b

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