There have never been two people.”

There have never been two people.”

When Da Zhong heard this, he couldn’t help but be horrified and trembling, not daring to be presumptuous.
When Xu Ying saw this, he knew it would be wrong, and said with a smile: “Master Zhong misunderstood. The person whose name was Nirvana just now was indeed me, but I was controlled by the Nirvana Dao. Now I have Those who have attained the master of the Way of Nirvana will no longer be controlled by the Great Way of Nirvana, but can instead control the Great Way of Nirvana.”
Da Zhong was still timid and muttered: “Are you the one who swallowed me into the flood source of annihilation and digested it all over again?”
/Xu Ying nodded and said with a calm smile: “You have a calamity on you. I am just removing the calamity on you so that from now on, you don’t have to worry about being overtaken by the Nirvana Calamity.”
Dazhong was doubtful, so he came to him and flew around Xu Ying for a few weeks. Seeing that he was no different from before, he entered the source of Xu Ying’s body to check it out, and then went to the Consciousness Sea to observe Xu Ying’s brain.
/It didn’t find any difference, so it was relieved.
Dazhong asked: “Master Ying, what happened to you in the Flood of Nirvana?”
Xu Ying pondered for a moment, but it was difficult to clarify what he had experienced, and said: “I was affected by the tribulation that day, and suddenly I opened the sky, allowing the other shore to change from a flood source state to a universe, with the great road of heaven and earth, and the creation of all things in the world. This The whole world came into being because of me, and all living beings came out of me, but now it is dead, with no life left, and my Taoist heart seems to be dead.”
The big clock asked: “What then?”
“Then, I felt that I had transformed into the Great Way of Nirvana. I saw that my own Great Way had become Nirvana, the Great Way of Taiyi had become Nirvana, reincarnation, cause and effect, catastrophe, and killing had all become Nirvana. Finally, even the Great Avenue of Hongmeng had also become Nirvana. The Avenue of Nirvana. Only a ball of energy of chaos accompanies me.”
Xu Ying talked about the strange experience during this period and said, “I was traveling in silence. I could touch every life on the other side and watch them repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth. I could observe the process of falling from different avenues. This change made me intoxicated, and I could also detect other sources of annihilation. I realized that I had to devour them to become complete, and only then could I accumulate enough annihilation heavenly fire to leave a legacy for the next universe. Lower spiritual roots. The universe as a living entity originated from this. I also saw Tao Zun.”
He looked strange and said: “In my eyes, Dao Zun is another flood source of annihilation waiting to be swallowed by me, but his state is not that of the flood source. But in my eyes, he is the biggest temptation. , tempting me to chase him and wait for the moment when he tur

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