, and Wen Nanxun’s expression suddenly changed: “These chaotic creatures are carrying us and flying towards the Chaos Bell!”

, and Wen Nanxun’s expression suddenly changed: “These chaotic creatures are carrying us and flying towards the Chaos Bell!”

She saw the opportunity very quickly, and when the chaotic creature carried them to the edge of the ocean current, she immediately activated the Immortal Palace and rushed out, avoiding the chaotic creatures one after another.
And those chaotic creatures actually broke through the currents of the Chaos Sea and chased them.
Wen Nanxun took control of the Immortal Palace and hid here and there. After a long time, he finally left these chaotic creatures behind.
/She breathed a sigh of relief and murmured in surprise: “It’s strange, why did these chaotic creatures stop us? It’s really weird.”
Xu Ying was also surprised. The last time he examined the wrinkles on the surface of the clock, he also encountered chaotic creatures.
/These chaotic creatures were like giant turtles full of curiosity, surrounding his ship and observing him as he comprehended the avenue of chaos.
“Could it be that the appearance of the Chaos Clock and the interception of these chaotic creatures have something to do with me?”
Just when Xu Ying thought of this, Wen Nanxun suddenly said: “This matter must be related to Brother Zhong Dao!”
Xu Ying looked at the girl in astonishment, somewhat confused.
Wen Nanxun said sternly: “Brother Zhong Dao is the ancestor of magic weapon Taoism. He is the founder of magic weapon cultivation. He is unprecedented in the Chaos Sea. He has the mark of the Chaos Bell on his body. Therefore, the Chaos Lord is obsessed with it and must get it! The Chaos Lord is also afraid of it. His Chaos Clock will get the true inheritance from Brother Zhong Dao!”
Xu Ying thought about it for a while, but there was some truth in Wen Nanxun’s words.
Wen Nanxun looked at Xu Ying and said sternly: “Fellow Daoist Xu, Brother Zhong Dao is of great importance. No matter what, we must send it to the Great Sky Ming Realm! Even if we sacrifice our lives, we will not hesitate! If it is not what I expected, Damn, there must be dangers on the road ahead!”
Xu Ying was beating her heart and said, “Nan Xun, should I sacrifice you first or me first?”
Wen Nanxun said softly: “Do you know how to get to the Great Sky Ming Realm?”
Xu Ying shook his head.
Wen Nanxun became more and more gentle and said: “I and Brother Zhong Dao will definitely remember the sacrifices of our Taoist friends. Didn’t we, the less important people, sacrifice for the sake of the Taoist alliance?”
“A Ying, just go ahead with peace of mind.” The big bell clanged with a smile.
Xu Ying had a dark face and ignored them.
Wen Nanxun, on the other hand, believed that the big clock was the person that the Chaos Clock and the Chaos Creatures wanted. He became more and more nervous, always paying attention to the movements around him.
The Immortal Palace was flying in the sea of ??chaos and had not encountered danger for a long time. Wen Nanxun felt relieved.
Unexpectedly, the next moment, I heard a voice coming from the depths of the Chaos Sea: “L

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