e Yuanshen.

e Yuanshen.

On this day, everyone in Daozhen Palace was practicing. Wuchenzi called his beloved disciple Zhou Yashu and ordered: “Now that the Tao eliminates demons and the demons invade, it is the time for our monks to make contributions. Go down the mountain, help the people, and eliminate demons.” Wei Dao, maybe there will be another opportunity.”
Zhou Yashu said yes, and was about to go down the mountain when he suddenly saw a big cauldron in the sky emitting brilliant rays of light, flying towards the holy land of Daozhen Palace.
When Wuchenzi saw this scene from a distance, he was so frightened that he quickly rolled up Zhou Yashu with his sleeves and sent him down the mountain. He said sternly: “All disciples, listen to the order and run away quickly.”
/As soon as he said these words, the immortal cauldron had already flown over Daozhen Palace, with a brilliant fairy light trailing behind it, like the tail feathers of a phoenix.
One of the celestial lights passed by the holy land of Daozhen Palace.
The entire Daozhen Palace of 2,800 people suddenly evaporated, and even the top of the sacred mountain became a large piece of it, disappearing out of thin air!
The Daozhen Palace’s mountain-protecting formations, the magic weapons for suppressing religions, the spirits of ancestors, and the mountain-suppressing bans were all of no use and were completely destroyed!
Before Wuchenzi was turned into nothingness by the fairy light, he looked at Zhou Yashu who was sent down the mountain by him, and saw that his magic power was still protecting Zhou Yashu as he flew down the mountain.
“Fortunately, I can leave a seed for Daozhen Palace.”
Zhou Yashu landed on the ground and looked back, only to see that the Holy Land of Daozhen Palace had been completely evaporated, leaving nothing behind!
Zhou Yashu cried loudly, raised his head and said sternly: “Why is this happening? My Daozhen Palace eliminates demons and protects Dao, why are there immortal weapons to destroy my Daozhen?”
Penglai Ancestor’s immortal power, the Xutian Cauldron, exudes the power to make everything void. Wherever its immortal light passes, no matter the mountains or rivers, everything will turn into nothingness!
This is the immortal way that transcends the way of heaven, and its power is extraordinary!
At this time, Xu Ying had already raised his cultivation strength to the extreme, blasting out various magical powers from Buzhou Mountain, Bahuang Sun Refining Furnace, Chaotic Sea of ??Stars, Colorful Sacred Tree, and Burial Dao Abyss, flying towards the immortal cauldron that transformed everything. go!
In the land of thousands of miles between Penglai and Xu Ying, terrifying power erupted and exploded continuously!
Xu Ying has already established himself in the Hidden Scenery of Nuo Immortal, living in the realm of the Four Immortals, and has raised his cultivation strength to the extreme. As he strikes out one move after another, mountains, furnaces, stars, trees, and abyss Wait for all kinds of magical powers to continuously fly out

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