specious, and they are definitely not the real avenues of Hongmeng and Wuji! On the contrary, they are like, like”

specious, and they are definitely not the real avenues of Hongmeng and Wuji! On the contrary, they are like, like”

Xu Ying looked strange. Shen Tu Lun’s nine-way evidence seemed to be the birth and death of the universe evolved from the Great Way of Creation. It was not the real nine innate ways!
“In other words, he used the Great Way of Creation to evolve the Nine Innate Paths such as Chaos Hongmeng Wuji Taiyi, not the real mutual evolution of the nine paths.”
Xu Ying was even more shocked. Although it was the Great Way of Creation that belonged to Taiyi, it could evolve the birth and death of the universe. Even the Nine Innate Paths seemed to be included in the Great Way of Creation. This situation was beyond Xu Ying’s knowledge!
“Using the avenue you cultivate yourself, whether it is the Nine Innate Paths or the lower avenues, as long as you can achieve the birth and death evolution of a universe, is that the end of the avenue?” Xu Ying thought to himself.
/While thinking, Shen Tu Lun’s palm force actually broke through the layers of Hun Tunsheng’s chaotic magical power, forcing Hun Tunsheng to retreat.
The branches of the sacred tree that held up Shen Tulun grew rapidly and moved, holding Shen Tulun closer to Huntunsheng.
Shen Tu Lun raised his hands and saw one after another gorgeous scenes of the birth and death of the universe erupting in the sea of ??chaos. Although it was just a flash in the pan and was immediately annihilated by the sea of ??chaos, the shock was really unparalleled!
At the end of the Great Avenue of Creation, one is so invincible and powerful!
Hutunsheng, the master of the Chaos Hall, probably has not cultivated to the end of the Chaos Avenue. Among the nine innate paths, the two most difficult ones to cultivate are one is Nirvana and the other is Chaos.
Hutunsheng and Daoji were able to become the palace masters, probably because of their exceptional promotions.
The magical powers of the two peerless beings dragged Xu Ying’s fairy palace into the turbid currents of the chaotic sea time and time again. The fairy palace was precarious and could be annihilated at any time.
Even though Wen Nanxun tried his best, he couldn’t escape the turbid current caused by the two magical powers. Instead, cracks appeared in the Immortal Palace under the surging magical powers, and it might burst at any time!
Without the protection of the Immortal Palace, I am afraid that even if they are Taoist masters, they will not be able to hold on for long under the aftermath of the magical powers of the two supreme beings!
The Immortal Palace was shattered, and the boundless energy of chaos came. Wen Nanxun despaired in his heart: “I am just the Taoist Master of the Great Path of Reincarnation, how can I withstand the crushing force of the Sea of ??Chaos?”
Just when she thought of this, the surrounding Chaos Qi was suddenly swayed by a pure avenue of chaos. Then a Purple Qi was born in the Chaos Qi. A spiritual root was born naturally. The surrounding Purple Qi evolved infinitely and became Tai

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