Your Hongmeng Dao is still far from the real Dao! Look at me breaking you!”

Your Hongmeng Dao is still far from the real Dao! Look at me breaking you!”

As he spoke, Gu Daosheng, with his five fingers spread apart, met King Qianyuan’s palm.
The moment the palms of the two collided, King Qianyuan’s own Hongmeng Dao suddenly evolved into Wuji, split into five, and had the tendency to turn into the Fifth Tai!
King Qianyuan groaned, and Gu Daosheng pointed his finger at his forehead and flew away.
/King Ruiguang and King Liuli attacked Gu Daosheng from the left and from the right. Gu Daosheng smiled slightly. Based on the avenue of reincarnation, nine evidence-based and one avenue of reincarnation, they actually evolved into cause and effect, disaster, Taiyi, Wuji, and killing. , Nirvana, Hongmeng, Chaos!
There was no sluggishness in his nine-path movement. In an instant, the auspicious light faded, the glass was damaged, and other kings came to kill him. In just a few moves, they were defeated one by one.
The Nine Kings of Hunyuan also practice the Nine Innate Paths, but each of the nine is good at one path, and together they form the Nine Paths.
But Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, has built the avenue of reincarnation to the end of the avenue, using reincarnation to prove the nine paths of cause and effect, disaster, killing, and Taiyi, and the nine-door avenue, all of which are the end of the avenue!
In this fight, none of the nine kings of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty could be his opponent.
Gu Daosheng laughed loudly and said loudly: “The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty boasted about the unique method, which is comparable to the Nine Ways of Evidence, and even more perfect than the Nine Ways of Evidence. Now that you nine kings have joined forces, it is nothing more than this!”
Just as he said this, he saw the nine kings of Hunyuan suddenly scattered around, forming a nine-way evidence-based formation. The auras of the nine people were connected, and their combat power suddenly surged!
Gu Daosheng’s expression suddenly changed, and he was trapped by the Nine Kings of Hunyuan. The last time he was in the Huangji Imperial Capital, he tried to kidnap Yuan Weiyang. In the same situation, he was trapped by the Nine Kings and almost died in the hands of the Nine Kings.
“Fellow Taoist Gu’s nine-path evidence-based approach is based on false evidence. Naturally, what you get is also false and not true.”
Qianyuan King Baoxiang solemnly said, “I will send fellow Taoist Gu off on his way today!”
Both sides used their own methods. Gu Daosheng activated the nine evidences and mobilized the three adjacent powers to his heart’s content. The combat power increased sharply. However, under the opponent’s formation, he could only barely protect himself.
Suddenly, the Eighteenth Marquis of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty flew past them and rushed towards Hutunsheng.
Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Hall of Cause and Effect, came out from one side and said with a smile: “Eighteenth Marquis, I suffered a lot in the last battle. I have to regain my face today.”
The eighteen princes were divi

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