ll sad about it for a long time!”

ll sad about it for a long time!”

Xu Ying smiled and said: “Nan Xun is already the true disciple of Zhenjun Daoji, right? What a joy.”
Hearing this, Wen Nanxun sighed quietly, shook his head and said, “Not yet. To become a disciple of Daoji, you still need to complete another assessment.”
Seeing that she was not in good spirits, Xu Ying changed the subject and said, “Does Nan Xun know the whereabouts of Master Zhong?”
Wen Nanxun smiled and said: “It is now developed. It lives in the Longhan Dojo, which is second only to the Taoist Alliance Leader in the Dakong Ming Realm. It has its own Taoist temple. I will take you there!”
The two walked side by side towards Longhan Dojo.
/Wen Nanxun hesitated for a moment and said, “Xu Ying, can you help me protect the law one more time?”
Xu Ying smiled and said, “Please tell me.”
Wen Nanxun mustered up his courage and said, “If I want to become a true disciple of Daoji, I need to go through another test. This time I’m worried that I won’t be able to do it, so I asked Brother Dao to protect him.”
Xu Ying was surprised and said with a smile: “Nan Xun, you have already understood the evidence-based annihilation of reincarnation. Taking this as an opportunity, you can achieve reincarnation-based cause and effect, evidence-based calamity, and so on. What other test can you do? Stumping you?”
Wen Nanxun frowned and said nothing.
When they arrived at the Longhan Taoist Hall, they saw dozens of Taoist masters pouring out, standing on both sides of the queue, bowing and waiting. The big bell slowly flew out from the dojo, with its whole body filled with light and its majestic sound.
There are nine evidences in this bell, and there are nine kinds of cosmic phenomena transformed by the nine ways outside. It is quite amazing, and it is a good development!
Xu Ying looked happy and called out quickly: “Master Zhong! Here!”
/Dazhong noticed him and gave a few instructions to a disciple. The disciple nodded repeatedly, walked quickly to Xu Ying, bowed and said: “Master, what do you want to ask Mr. Xu? Although I must say it bluntly, he is very nostalgic, and his poor relatives came to his door.” Come, help if you can.”
Xu Ying smiled apologetically and said calmly: “Master Zhong, please tell me when you are rich. Do you still remember A Ying from Lingling City? The same A Ying who caught loaches.”
The disciple was displeased and said, “What are you talking about? If you have anything to say, please tell me.”
Xu Ying said: “I will leave the Dao Alliance soon and go to the Great Void. I wonder if Mr. Zhong wants to go with me? Please let me know.”
The disciple turned around and left. After a while, the big bell pushed away the disciples and flew slowly to Xu Ying. His breath was thick and his voice was loud: “Yingzi, do you think I’m glamorous now?”
Xu Ying nodded hurriedly and said: “Master Zhong is as polished as if he were made of new copper. The surface is gilded with a layer of gold and sparkles.”
Da Zhong said: “Do you think my Taoism is exquisite now?”
Xu Ying said solemn

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