

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were no strangers to the Grave Universe. They had heard the reputation of this universe many times, and heard that this universe was an aggregation of many universes in destruction and annihilation, controlled by a group of beings in the Yuanshi Realm.
/The Grave Universe is surrounded by the Sea of ??Chaos and has a terrifying reputation. It devours other universes and plunders their resources to extend its own life!
It is like a giant beast that can never have enough to eat, and the universes it swallows often turn into ruins!
But Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang didn’t know that Nan Kongyuan, one of the two ancestors of the world, actually came from the Tomb Universe!
“Qin Luan is also from the Grave Universe.”
Nan Kongyuan smiled and said, “According to the fate, she and I should have been annihilated in the sea of ??chaos long ago. We would never have become Dao Ancestors in the Hunyuan Universe, let alone cultivated into the Yuanshi Realm. But we happened to survive, and we happened to become Dao Ancestor, he has cultivated Yuanshi. Why is this?”
Xu Ying suddenly woke up and blurted out: “This is because the Chaos Sea has no sequence and no fixed past and future! For the people in the Hunyuan Universe, the Tomb Universe has been destroyed, so they exist. But for you, The grave universe is still there, and the calamity of destruction has not yet come!”
Nan Kongyuan sighed: “Fellow Daoist Xu, you are about to understand the truth about the Sea of ??Chaos. Yes, for us at that time, the Grave Universe was still there, and luck could not catch up with us. Back then, the Eighth Young Master returned We have arrived at the Grave Universe. When the Grave Universe is annihilated and the calamity catches up with us, we will no longer be able to be easily wiped out.”
/His eyes flashed and he said: “If you understand this, you will know the wonders of calamity, and you can avoid calamity and prolong the lives of the people in the Hunyuan Universe.”
He sat down and his soul rose up behind him, smiling and saying: “I came here on the order of the Eighth Young Master to repay this karma.”
His Yuan Shen is the Yuanshi Yuanshi, becoming more and more vast and majestic, shrouding this new Hunyuan Universe!
Countless stars in the boundless starry sky become as small as dust under this primordial spirit, and each world seems to exist on dust.
Xu Ying looked up at this Yuanshi Yuanshen and realized that he was mobilizing boundless power to cover the entire new universe!
“Xu Ying, as the Chaos Lord, do you know how to fool the Chaos Sea?” Nan Kong Yuan asked with a smile.
Xu Ying couldn’t help but be stunned when he heard this, and looked back at him: “How to fool me?”
Nan Kong Yuan smiled and said leisurely: “To fool the Sea of ??Chaos is to let a being in the Yuanshi Dao realm who should have died long ago replace the avenue of the Sea of ??Chaos with his own avenue, and use himself to block the disaster in the Sea of ??Chaos. ”
His soul burst out with immeasurable light, and Xu Ying noticed

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