if it is damaged, it will recover as before.

if it is damaged, it will recover as before.

He walked towards the top of the mountain, which was almost flat. However, when he stepped out, he suddenly missed the point and almost fell.
The young man in feathers looked down and saw that he was missing one leg.
His clothes were shattered, and his hoopoe was also shattered. In order to restore these things, he spent too much “cultivation” and failed to restore the leg.
Black energy surged from the young man in feather’s body, and his left leg split into two, becoming two legs, but much slender, but he didn’t care and reached the top of the mountain.
He sniffed hard, and it was the scent left by Zhu Chanchan.
The smell of this elixir has a fatal attraction for him, luring him to hunt.
On the other side, a ray of sunlight shone into Beichenzi’s eyes. Beichenzi opened his eyes weakly. Xu Ying, Zhu Chanchan and Da Zhong looked at him with concern. When they saw him waking up, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. .
“Mr. Beichen is fine!”
Xu Ying smiled and said, “I just said that old man, good people have their own destiny, and it is true.”
Zhu Chanchan complimented: “Master Bei fought against the devil with unparalleled bravery and righteousness. His spirit lasts through the ages! Anyone who hears about the old man’s deeds must give a thumbs up and praise his loyalty!”
Beichenzi tried his best to sit up and panted: “I am probably too old. When I was fighting the demon, his energy and blood collided with the soul, causing the soul’s consciousness to become confused and I passed out.”
He suddenly pushed Xu Ying and Zhu Chanchan away, knocked open the big clock, jumped up, jumped off Xian Qi’s big head, and shouted: “You bad guys, let me fight for you, I won’t do it.” Got it!”
“Plop!” A muffled sound came.
/An Qi was on his way when he heard the sound and shouted quickly: “What’s going on? A Ying, what happened?”
Xu Ying held the snake’s long black horns and looked down, saying: “The old man jumped off your head. I only helped him treat the internal injuries of his internal organs. They were all injured by the shock, unable to use their magic power, and fell down without being able to fly.”
An Qi was startled and stopped hastily: “Which way did he jump? Left or right? To my right is the abyss of Yin and Yang.”
Xu Ying tried his best to look down and finally saw Beichenzi. He saw that the white-haired old man fell about a hundred feet into the abyss. Fortunately, he hit a protruding rock and did not fall into the abyss.
/If he falls into the abyss and cannot be saved by gods, Xu Ying will have no choice but to find another “enthusiastic protector”.
Beichenzi fell dizzy, and there were noisy sounds coming from the abyss, like countless trapped demon kings whispering to him, disturbing his thinking and making it difficult for him to concentrate.
Beichenzi was terrified and tried to boost his magic power, but he couldn’t raise his cultivation level at all. He panicked and shouted: “Xu Ying, save me.”
Suddenly, the rock became loose and fell dow

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