fair face turned sickly pale. She looked at the pattern of the altar submerged in blood, and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

fair face turned sickly pale. She looked at the pattern of the altar submerged in blood, and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

“It hasn’t been turned on yet. It’s strange. Could it be that the mechanism is damaged?”
“Maybe there is less blood, don’t be sparing, put more.” Lu Bei kindly reminded.
The words were not human words, but they did have some truth. She Yan knew that the purity of the blood essence was too low, so she poured a bottle of blood replenishing pill into her mouth, gritted her teeth and let out the blood again.
When the camera turned, She Zhang, who had lost too much blood, fell to the ground in a coma, and next to her was Lu Bei, who was picking up the Qiankun bag.
There is no other meaning, he is a good person and good deeds, he is helping to find the hemostatic pill!
Average harvest.
Not everyone is as wealthy as Zhu Bo.
/Although She Yan was a rich woman, she was only a small rich man and was far less generous than Zhu Bo’s boss. Lu Bei took away the banknotes and the secret skills of demon cultivators, ignored some large and small fabrics with obvious female characteristics, and carefully studied a pile of bottles. Bottles and jars.
Zhu Bo repeatedly mentioned that She Zhang was good at poisoning. Lu Bei happened to be very curious about medicines such as Mongolian and Chinese medicine, so he opened them one by one, either powder or liquid, and dropped them on She Zhang one by one.
The effect was mediocre, She Zhang’s face turned blue and purple, she tilted her head and vomited black blood, then curled up like a dead snake.
“Sure enough, pharmacological knowledge requires professional guidance, and self-study cannot become a talent.”
Lu Bei abandoned the bottles and jars and came to the altar to check. Soon, he found the keyhole and inserted it in with the key obtained from fighting monsters.
The altar’s light bloomed, evaporating the impure snake blood on it, revealing three sealed white porcelain bottles.
In addition, there is a letter pressed by three porcelain bottles.
Lu Bei vaguely saw the words ‘My disciple personally signed it’ and was silent for a moment before opening the letter and reading it.
Disciple, the fact that you can reach this place means that you have found the secret letter that my master left in the underground palace of Shenjing. You are worthy of being the disciple that I found after so many choices. Although my master still doesn’t know your name at this moment, As a teacher, I firmly believe in my own vision. You have extraordinary qualifications and will definitely be able to carry forward the Yuhua Sect.
Lu Bei:
An old trough got stuck in my throat. I didn’t know where it came from, so I swallowed it back and continued reading.
The mystery is revealed. The surprise my master has left for you is not the Buddha-faced golden spider. With your foundation-building Dzogchen cultivation, you are expected to pass the test safely without any surprises.
Lu Bei:
Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, what Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, did he jump to th

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