ision department for the filming of “Journey to the West”.

ision department for the filming of “Journey to the West”.

Before this, Xingmang only had a film department and no TV series industry layout.
As for many things related to Xianyu, even if there are only a few words, it will not prevent everyone from crazy speculation.
For example, why did Xianyu engage in such a big battle to film Journey to the West?
“I believe in any follow-up development, but this is definitely not the whole reason. There is another crucial reason that this supervisor did not tell everyone, and that is that the author of “Journey to the West” is Chu Kuang!”
Many people who eat melon think that this is a testimony of the friendship between Xianyu and Chu Kuang.
He invested in such a big campaign, asked the best actor to star in it, and made the top-notch soundtrack himself. A large part of the reason is related to the fact that the author of Journey to the West is Chu Kuang.
The relationship between these two is so good!
It can be said that they are a match made in heaven!
After all, Xianyu has never been so reluctant to write his own scripts. Everyone inside and outside the industry knows that Xianyu always saves as much as he can on special effects when making movies.
“Isn’t this how I treat my girlfriend?”
Some people felt the same way: “I would rather eat instant noodles by myself, and let my girlfriend eat her favorite Chuzhou cuisine; Xianyu would rather reduce the investment cost of his film, and make Chu Kuang’s novel into Blue Star’s most popular one.” Good TV show!”
There is quite a market for this.
Xianyu and Chu Kuang are already fans of the kitchen.
To use another netizen’s emotion: “Another day of playing together without a shadow.”
It comes down to it.
This is a carnival for Journey to the West fans!
“Journey to the West” shot by Xianyu perfectly meets everyone’s imagination of this novel!
It has even been exceeded!
But for fans of prehistoric times, this night was extremely torture.
Anyone with a discerning eye knows this.
Honghuang was crushed by Journey to the West again.
Westward Journey fans don’t even mock Honghuang because there is no need anymore. The TV series on both sides are not at the same level at all.
This wave is the ultimate crushing!
The mythical world of Blue Star has changed.
Honghuang can only stand aside!
A die-hard prehistoric fan smiled bitterly: “The excitement is theirs, we have nothing.”
“Who said that!”
Soon some fans of Honghuang said: “We can also join in the excitement!”
This part of the prehistoric fan explains to everyone:
What does it mean to be iron-clad!
What does it mean to remain loyal until death?
They held hands and rebelled happily.
This wave of rebellion spread from point to point. At the beginning, it was just a few fans who faced internal pressure and condemnation and praised the TV series “Journey to the West” for being too conscientious.
Later, it simply developed into countless prehistoric fans watching the Journey to the West TV series secretly.
/The last straw that broke the camel’s bac

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