

Little one, are you lost?
It returned to the flower pond opposite the old station, as if it was adhering to an agreement that never existed.
Sometimes when it gets tired from squatting, it will lie down to rest, but those eyes that seem to be able to speak never leave every train that goes out and every crowd that arrives at the station.
/In some places, it may never get lost.
Is it just that the person it’s waiting for is lost and can’t find the way home?
Professor An’s daughter took it home again and tried to tie it up, but Xiaoba refused to eat or drink and went on a hunger strike to resist.
A few days later.
Professor An’s daughter suddenly understood something.
She chose to let go of the chains that tied Xiaoba, opened the closed door, and smiled through tears: “Maybe I can understand you.”
It looked at Professor An’s daughter as if saying goodbye seriously.
Camera switch.
It was still the flower bed opposite the old station, and it was still the same squatting posture. Xiaoba returned here.
Its fur is dirty.
The black, white and gray of the world are actually despair and coldness.
At night, it sleeps under the wheels of an abandoned train car.
No matter it’s windy, rainy, or the familiar heavy snowflakes are floating in the sky.
No one takes it into the study anymore.
No one took out a blanket to keep it warm.
Only time goes by in a hurry and people pass by in a hurry.
Only the train still whistles, only the sun rises and sets alternately, and only the bright moon turns into a thin moon.
One year, two years, three years
People around him will provide Xiaoba with the food he needs to survive.
Everyone was moved by Xiaoba’s loyalty to his master. Even newspapers published news about Xiaoba’s years of waiting for his master to return. There were even spontaneous donations from people in the community.
“Xiaoba is old.”
/One day, the security guard who was still working at the station said something softly.
It began to lose its pace, and its already dirty hair became thinner and thinner. Because it had not been taken care of for a long time, it lost its former glory.
Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons rotate.
Xiaoba is still waiting for someone who seems to never come back
The distance between life and death is incomprehensible to a dog.
It only believed that its master would come back, so its life was like a drop of running water, bit by bit on the bluestone platform of the station, passing away year after year.
As a dog, this is his duty.
Through birth, old age, illness and death, it never leaves. It takes ten years to become a landscape.
Many years later, when Mrs. An, who was no longer in her former glory, came to Xiaocheng Station, she saw Xiaoba at a glance.
Xiaoba, he is so old that he can only crawl there and doesn’t even want to waste the energy to move.
After that look, Mrs. An burst into tears.
It’s like a disconnected line.
Packs of toilet paper have their greatest use in movie theaters, but no one has time to take into account how intriguing t

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