ddenly asked: “Junior, do you want to go see a movie?”

ddenly asked: “Junior, do you want to go see a movie?”

“what movie?”
“Of course it’s my junior’s own movie, “The Truman Show.”
Lin Yuan thought for a while and agreed.
When his own movies are released, Lin Yuan usually doesn’t go to the cinema. After all, he has seen the finished product at the company, but occasionally he wants to experience the feeling of watching a movie in a cinema.
“Then I’ll book the venue!”
/“Need not.”
Sun Yaohuo said.
that’s all.
March 10th is officially here.
The long-awaited audience finally stepped into “The Truman Show”!
Sioux City.
city ​​center.
Lumière Cinema.
Lin Yuan and Sun Yaohuo were fully armed.
Mask, sunglasses, hat, all wrapped around the face.
This is the trouble of celebrities.
Walking on the road, it is easy to be recognized, which leads to unnecessary things.
When checking in.
Sun Yaohuo smiled and said, “Junior, go in first, I’ll be there in a moment.”
Lin Yuan nodded.
What surprised Lin Yuan was that
As a result, the other rows of the theater where Lin Yuan was sitting were full of spectators.
Lin Yuan didn’t think much about it.
Two minutes later, Sun Yaohuo came in carrying several large bulging bags.
Sun Yaohuo sat down on Lin Yuan’s right hand side and put down several big bags: “Whatever do you want to drink? Milk tea, cola, juice, coffee, whatever you want!”
Sun Yaohuo brought a bottle of Coke to Lin Yuan, and took out other items from the bag one after another, placing them on the empty chairs around them.
Popcorn, potato chips, biscuits, duck neck, chicken wings, grilled sausages, and maybe jelly and egg yolk cakes
All kinds of snacks are available.
Are these two people here to watch a movie or have a picnic?
“Watching a movie is such a luxury.”
Look at those little snacks on the chair.
Could it be that these two people moved the canteen here?
“Mom, I want to eat!”
A child in the back was crying. It seemed that he came with his parents.
“What do you want to eat?” Lin Yuan turned around and asked.
“Grilled sausage!”
The kid said without hesitation.
/“Here you go.” Lin Yuan handed the sausage to the child.
“How can this be so embarrassing?”
The child’s mother quickly refused.
“Want to eat!”
The children were anxious.
“It’s okay, it’s non-toxic.” Lin Yuan took a bite of the sausage, then handed it to the children: “Look, it’s okay.”
Sun Yaohuo noticed this scene and smiled quickly: “There’s more.”
As he said that, he took out another grilled sausage. He bought a dozen of these.
“Thank you uncle!”
Mom didn’t refuse now.
“Thank you uncle!”
The children happily took the sausage.
“Thank you too, brother.” Mom looked at Lin Yuan.
“Thank you brother!”
The children have enough to eat and can talk about everything.
Sun Yaohuo:? ? ?
My junior is an older brother, so why am I an uncle?
Aren’t we both uncles at our age?
“I also want”
“Let’s split it up.”
Lin Yuan looked at Sun Yaohuo.
Sun Yaohuo stood up immediately and passed the snacks one after

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