e of the syncope could not be found, because the diagnosis It shows that there is no reason for his coma. In the end, we only found a mark on his arm, but we are not sure whether this mark is related to his coma.”

e of the syncope could not be found, because the diagnosis It shows that there is no reason for his coma. In the end, we only found a mark on his arm, but we are not sure whether this mark is related to his coma.”

e of the syncope could not be found, because the diagnosis It shows that there is no reason for his coma. In the end, we only found a mark on his arm, but we are not sure whether this mark is related to his coma.”
I asked: “What mark?”
Qian Yelong said At that time, I had already walked to the bedside and said to the two military doctors who were diagnosing Fan Zhen: “Show him the mark.”
After saying that, the two military doctors had rolled up the sleeve of Fan Zhen’s left hand. I saw that on his elbow There is a round hollow mark on the bottom, somewhat like a copper coin mark, and the size seems to be about the same size as a copper coin. However, this mark is not a scar or indentation like a brand, but more like a blood mark after local congestion, but The military doctor told me that this shouldn’t be a blood mark, because the blood mark through the skin is blue, a bit like a bruise, and it should have turned black after such a long time, but this mark has always been like this during this period of time Blood color, they don’t know what the situation is at the moment, and without any confidence, they don’t dare to touch this mark without permission, or even insert a needle to test it.
I looked at Qian Yelong at this time and said, “So, Minister, I asked you to come here to see if I know what this is?”
Qian Yelong said: “You probably don’t know that the minister means to let you investigate this case. After all, you are the captain, right?”
I said: “It’s just me?”
Qian Yelong said: “We Everyone here is at your disposal, including me.”
/I said, “I still need someone.”
Qian Yelong asked me, “Who?”
I said, “Shi Yanqiang.”
After hearing this, Qian Yelong asked me: “Why him? There doesn’t seem to be a deep friendship between you.”
I said: “I just think he seems to be helpful to this case, not because of friendship, let alone The minister wants me to investigate the case, not to ask who I am close to, right?”
Qian Yelong said: “Then I will ask someone to invite him over.”
I said: “No, let him stay. In the peripheral investigation, the less he knows about Captain Fan, the better. I will be responsible here.” Yadizaba.
Qian Yelong looked suspicious after hearing what I said. He said, “My subordinates can also do a good job in peripheral matters. You don’t trust me.” I
said, “There is no trust or distrust, it’s just this matter.” You can’t do it, only Shi Yanqiang can do it.”
When Qian Yelong heard what I said, he didn’t raise any objections. Even if he raised objections, I wouldn’t answer him. Of course, I would use the words the minister gave him to suppress him, although not I know whether it works or not, but now they are asking me for help. Even if there are doubts and incomprehensions, they will not act rashly. I just need to think about it. If I successfully find out the reason, I will have to worry about my situation. , so I need to make plans to leave a way out for myself.
After thinking briefly, Qian Yelong and I said: “The minister must have meant that it has started now, so we

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