lia’s face and quickly persuaded her. He was just talking about no one. After being able to do so, he hesitated and changed his words: “Perhaps Lord Arthur may have a talent as good as his!”

lia’s face and quickly persuaded her. He was just talking about no one. After being able to do so, he hesitated and changed his words: “Perhaps Lord Arthur may have a talent as good as his!”

After the war, the Interstellar Federation troops will also evacuate the Divine World, but this evacuation will also take time.
It takes time to dismantle and transport a large number of war facilities, especially the ten space fortresses and the dense defense systems on the guard stars, which will take a long time to dispose of.
This period also happened to be the time for negotiations between the two sides. The federal military and the Supreme Council of the Divine Great World were discussing the distribution of benefits after the war.
Among the 20,000 warships, the most eye-catching ones are not the two aircraft carriers, but the destroyer escorted by many warships. This is David’s car.
This destroyer did not join the fleet. It was alone in the center of the two fleets. On both sides of it were two aircraft carriers. In order to show respect, the two aircraft carriers kept a distance from the destroyer.
David ignored the arrangements of the two fleets. Everything was coordinated by Kitz’s high-level combat intelligence. He sat on the captain’s chair, his mind connected to the distant body, and participated in the understanding of the rules.
Just as the fleet passed through the border of the divine world and entered the outer space of the battle star, David felt that the suppression of the world’s rules on his body disappeared instantly, and his whole body relaxed.
/The fleet did not stay in the outer space of the battle star, and then entered the territory of the Interstellar Federation world. David’s mood also improved, because the rules of the Interstellar Federation world were friendly to him, which made him feel particularly comfortable.
Just like a wanderer returning home, the intimacy of the Interstellar Federation is unmatched by other worlds.
When they arrived at the war zone, David’s destroyer and the other two frigates left the federal fleet. The two federal fleets needed to return to their bases. The aircraft carrier could not pass through the space portal and could only sail.
The two frigates are all servicemen who have made meritorious services in this battle, and they will be received by the federal leaders together with David.
As soon as the destroyer and two frigates left the two fleets, a small fleet of a hundred warships greeted them. This seamless protection showed the importance the military attached to these meritorious servicemen.
The destroyer and two frigates were led by a small fleet and entered a defense line composed of nearly 100,000 warships, where there was a military space portal.
Through this space portal, David arrived near the Origin Star.
The large battleship stayed at the space port. David and more than 300 meritorious soldiers entered the Origin Star on landing ships. It only took three days from leaving the Divine World to returning to the Origin Star.
For the purpose of the

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