legend from the black dragon Alexis a few days ago, but he never thought that after only three days, how could he become a legend?

legend from the black dragon Alexis a few days ago, but he never thought that after only three days, how could he become a legend?

“My strength and speed have not changed, how can I become a legend?” David asked.
It wasn’t that he didn’t believe what the black dragon Alexis said, but it was too bizarre for him to understand.
“The biggest change in Legend is the soul. Your soul has broken through level five and has its own rules!” Black Dragon Alexis also explained helplessly.
The black dragon Alexis said before that David became a young black dragon due to the black dragon bloodline.
In the view of Black Dragon Alexis, David’s future path is to practice like the Black Dragon, slowly strengthening his body and passing through the childhood Black Dragon period.
But at this time, David’s body was still in the realm of a young black dragon, but his soul had reached the legendary level.
The black dragon clan is not good at souls. The black dragon’s soul has strong defense power, but this is the black dragon’s natural ability.
Among the giant dragons, black dragons are like knights from the great world of gods. They have strong melee combat capabilities and defensive power. In contrast, spiritual beings have special talents that can be exerted through powerful spirits.
David only practiced for three days before his soul was promoted to the legendary level. This surprised the black dragon Alexis.
“My soul space seems to have rules, but I can’t control those rules!” David sensed it and said.
“If you can control the rules, you will be a demigod. However, I still hope you will not give up the practice of ‘Black Dragon Sleep’. The power and defense of the black dragon are more useful to you. The path to the gods has too many restrictions!” Black Dragon Alec Sith reminded.
David heard about another realm of ‘demigod’. He didn’t ask the black dragon Alexis, because just by hearing the name, he could guess what kind of realm it was.
The black dragon Alexis said that legend is the foundation of gods, and ‘demigods’ should be the beginning of gods.
“I will not give up the practice of ‘Black Dragon Sleep’. If this soul reaches Legend, what good will it do to my strength?” Of course David will not give up the practice of ‘Black Dragon Sleep’. He cares more about physical improvement.
This is related to his continuous training. Ever since he started training as a soldier in the Interstellar Federation, he has been constantly tempering his body.
Until David came to the divine world, he practiced knight training, which also strengthened his body.
/The strength of the soul is a by-product of the strengthening of the body. Because of the strength of the body, more soul energy will be obtained after killing the enemy, which passively strengthens the soul.
/No matter what benefits the soul has after reaching Legend, his strength and speed have not been improved, which makes him have no special feeling about Legend.
“The power exerted by your spirit should be able to reach level five!” Black Dragon Alexis thought for a while

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