l formation of these mineral deposits was at least as long as It takes more than a hundred years.

l formation of these mineral deposits was at least as long as It takes more than a hundred years.

What excites Wei Xiaobei the most is that several babies are being gestated in several places in Qingmu Paradise.
/These treasures are just prototypes, and they can make Wei Xiaobei feel the aura of the immortal level. If they are allowed to continue to grow, I am afraid that spiritual treasures and even higher levels are possible.
This may be the treasure born from the beginning of time.
Of course, this is also the reason why the Aoki Blessed Land is too small. If it were a larger world, the quality of the treasures produced in its creation should be at least Lingbao or above.
Just like this, Wei Xiaobei was already very satisfied.
Anyway, these babies are still in the process of being gestated. If you want to wait for them to mature, the time will not be slower than those of the mineral deposits.
Two of them probably already have owners, one is in the sun, which looks like a disk to Wei Xiaobei, and the other is on the embryonic moon, well, it’s the locust sapling.
Moreover, Wei Xiaobei wondered whether the disc in the sun could be the giant disc fairy!
After all, after the creation of the world, the giant dish fairy disappeared.
Since the disk was conceived in the sun, its natural owner should be the sun god.
And that locust tree sapling should belong to those spirits.
Wei Xiaobei could feel that those spiritual bodies still existed in the embryonic moon, but they seemed to have melted together.
Aoki Blessed Land has grown to 15,000 meters at this time, but it has entered the later stages of creation, so its growth rate has dropped significantly.
However, Wei Xiaobei felt very satisfied with the miniature world with a diameter of over 15,000 meters.
With a land area of ??more than 230 square kilometers, there are almost ten Weijia Islands.
Excluding the mountains, Tang Valley and other places that are not suitable for human habitation, the area currently suitable for human survival in the Aoki Blessed Land is approximately more than 150 square kilometers.
At this time, it should be possible to move in his family and even the residents of Weijia Island.
At least it is safe here. In addition, even ordinary life forms can enjoy the abundant benefits after the creation of the world after entering here.
To put it simply, according to Qing Niu, the closer to the life form that was born at the beginning of the world, the longer its life span and the higher its talent!
Of course, the reason why these life forms born at the beginning of the world are so powerful is simply because they were born early enough, before the rules of the world were perfected, and thus they obtained a lot of rule privileges.
And if those ordinary life forms can enter the Qingmu Paradise at this time, they will be able to enjoy such benefits more or less.
In addition, after the creation of the world, the strange spiritual energy that filled it could quickly transform living bodies, thereby extending and enhancing their lifespan an

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