ft carrier formation itself.

ft carrier formation itself.

This cruise missile carries a powerful earth-penetrating warhead that can penetrate hundreds of meters underground before exploding!
Its power is conceivable.
Moreover, this kind of cruise missile falls within the scope of conventional weapons, so even if it is used on a large scale, it will not cause concern or protest from other countries.
As the order was issued, the aircraft carrier formation, which was more than 200 nautical miles away from Long Bo’s people, immediately adjusted its combat plan.
The original three-defense formation collapsed. Cruisers and destroyers moved out of formation one after another, forming a row in front. Missile silos were quickly erected. The sailors were busy making final preparations for missile launches.
After landing, the pilots climbed out of the aircraft dejectedly one by one and allowed the ground crew to drive their beloved fighters back to the hangar.
/No way, for them, the fighter jet they piloted could not cause any harm to the giant, which was really unacceptable to them!
You know, in the past fighting career, whether it was a target in the sky or a target on the ground, when they saw their appearance, they would tremble with fear and run away desperately.
/But that giant was so big that they were unable to resist!
Especially after modern weapons and equipment do no harm to them, this psychological shadow becomes bigger and bigger.
However, the missile silos erected on each warship soon aroused their passion again.
They gritted their teeth and looked at the missile silos, imagining the thrilling scene of launching cruise missiles to kill the giant.
Puff puff puff puff
A series of white smoke and fire erupted from the bottom of the missile silo, and cruise missiles soared into the sky. After rushing to an altitude of several hundred meters, they then turned and flew towards the distance under the guidance of satellites.
At this time, after the people of Long Bo vented their anger, they seemed to feel hungry again, and then they sank to the nearby seabed and began to look for food.
Seeing this scene from the satellite image, the American senior officials sitting in the conference room couldn’t help but take a breath of air.
Obviously, if this giant sinks to the bottom of the sea and does not appear, then the cruise missile that flew out will be useless. Although it is equipped with an earth-penetrating warhead, it is impossible to drill into the bottom of the sea to fight, right?
You must know that this cruise missile has no ability to attack underwater at all!
Unable to hit underwater targets!
This is not a dedicated anti-submarine missile!
Fortunately, the speed of cruise missiles is not very fast, and it will take a lot of time to fly from more than 200 nautical miles away. Therefore, although the top US officials are a little worried, they can generally remain calm.
Sure enough, after more than twenty minutes passed, the people of Long Bo emerged from the sea again, but judging from their appearance, they did not seem to b

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