no reason.

no reason.

“I will apply for suspension of study tomorrow.”
After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Xinyi spoke the truth.
“What? You want to drop out of school? It’s not necessary. You worked so hard to get into college.”
Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised. To be honest, he himself envied those college students.
/If he hadn’t relaxed a little, he might have been admitted to college, and his life might be different now. Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei heard that Zhu Xinyi actually wanted to drop out of school, he couldn’t help but worry about her.
“Brother Wei, it’s okay. I just took a break from school. Besides, I feel like I can’t go back to my old life.”
Zhu Xinyi’s tone became a little confused.
She may have made a decision in her mind. After all, after experiencing the magic and weirdness in the gray world, it was indeed difficult to return to the life of a class, cafeteria, and dormitory.
This is not to say that I don’t like learning anymore, but it is a different perspective.
Just like a sentence: The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan.
Compared with the gray world, life in the ivory tower is a completely different life.
/Just like a veteran who has been on the battlefield, it is difficult to adapt to a principle after returning to a peaceful society.
What’s more, Zhu Xinyi thought further. Now that the gray world is already there, what will happen in reality?
I have to say that people with higher IQs can easily think of going together.
“Okay, Brother Wei supports your decision. But if you want to enter the gray world, remember to inform me in advance.”
Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh, and then the two of them were speechless and finally hung up the phone.
After sitting in front of the computer in a daze for a while, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention back to the computer screen.
The search results displayed on the browser made Wei Xiaobei frown.
What are these?
“The ultimate ranking of classic monsters in horror games, you know! Is this a zombie?”
“[Long-term update of Madman] How many of those scary, bloody and perverted movies have you seen!”
In fact, Wei Xiaobei also knew that it was very difficult to search for what he needed at once.
In this era of information explosion, there are advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage is that as long as anyone has a computer and an Internet connection, he or she can learn about the world without leaving home. If there is anything you don’t understand, you can search it online and get the result.
The disadvantage is that there is so much information on the Internet that it is difficult to find the information you need.
Wei Xiaobei continued to look down, and then his brows raised.
“Another biting incident. Aren’t zombies a legend? I think it’s weird??”
Wei Xiaobei clicked in.
This news is about an incident in a certain area of ??a certain province where a mutated “zombie” of a scavenger man went crazy and bit people.
The identity of the scavenger man is still unknown.
After that, Wei Xiaobei found hundreds of strange stories from all over

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