me a wealthy and aristocratic family in Talon City.

me a wealthy and aristocratic family in Talon City.

However, the glory this time did not last long. Paneba failed and was imprisoned on Santa Elena Island. The family also lost its former glory because of the emperor they were loyal to.
During the Restoration era of the old dynasty, the family began to decline gradually until Rambert II came to power. The emperor, who cared about old friendships, took into account the family’s past achievements and gave the respondent’s father a knighthood.
After the death of the old Musk, the young Musk did not know what tricks he did to continue the title of knight. He must have spent a lot of money, but no one knows the specific circumstances.
/In addition to Toutiao, this person also inherited a fortune. In fact, this family is no longer as wealthy as it used to be. Mr. Musk was still a person who focused on enjoyment, so he squandered most of his property while he was still alive.
The person under investigation obviously inherited his father’s personality and was also a hedonist. Major Martin had heard that the Yafa people called such people “degenerates.”
However, compared with other “fallen tribes”, this person is a bit better. Perhaps because he knows that there is not much property to squander, so he is not very extravagant, and sometimes manages to make money, although unlike other “degenerates” The “Degenerates” also do not engage in production, but are quite shrewd in speculation and investment.
This man had made several large investments and made a lot of money, and then he spent all his money, equivalent to 120,000 gold marks, on purchasing national debt.
In the past few years, the domestic situation in Yafa was stable, and industrial and commercial development was growing rapidly, so the appreciation of national debt also allowed him to make some money.
Later, with the defeat of the war and the cession of the three major provinces, the value of the Asian and French debt dropped significantly, but before that, this man had actually exchanged the national debt in his hands for cash.
When this man was exchanging treasury bonds in Fansai, he discovered that the wealthy people who fled to Fanhan from the occupied areas planned to settle down. Moreover, these rich people owned large amounts of land and were willing to sell real estate at low prices in exchange for cash.
Musk may want to take a gamble, so he invests most of his money.
He bought properties from these wealthy people and invested in the three provinces of Brownton, Mafilo and Yark, but mainly in Brownton, especially Miscon, where he owned three prime locations. The rent alone is already a large amount of land.
Compared with Talen City, which is now at the forefront, Sherut is indeed much safer. The only doubtful thing in the information is that there is no indication that Mr. Musk likes hunting. Could it be that after he decided to live in Sherut, he suddenly wanted to hunt for entertainment?
The most detailed information in the summary is what happened to this person after he arrived in Sherut.

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