

In addition, the more important reason is that this town has a railway track connected to Miscon. This railway track is 207 kilometers long and took only one month to build.
/The cars driving on this railway track are different. It is not horses that pull the cars forward, but an unknown magical power.
/Therefore, the car traveled very fast, and it only took three hours to reach the more than 200 kilometers away. This was undoubtedly full of temptation for Beru officials who were tired of Miscon’s chaos and filth.
Because they can work in Xuelou on weekdays, and on weekends, return to Miscon to enjoy the bustling and bustle here.
Of course, if Sherut was still the humble town it was, it would not have such appeal, but at this moment Sherut already had the initial scale of a city.
Close to Grandenburg, the mansion of Margrave von Dockmann, the prototype of an upper-class community has gradually emerged.
There is a commercial street here. Although it is only a few hundred meters long, the shops on both sides are no worse than the famous commercial streets in Miscon. And the things sold here are not available at Miscon.
So in just one month, the reputation of this street has spread throughout Brownton. Many people who come to Sherloot actually come here specifically for shopping.
Nine out of ten people who come here can tell at a glance that Sherut will be the star of tomorrow. At this time, other places are in chaos. No matter what business they do, there are huge risks. Those shrewd businessmen will naturally put some of them immediately. The business moved to Sherut.
In just over a month, the town has completely changed. It grew big, and grew bigger and bustier day by day, but it all seemed very orderly.
A brand new city will always look neat and orderly, not to mention that the city is being managed by Beru people who are known for their strictness and order.
The people of Beru spent no less effort than Leda’s father in building this city.
In fact, Lida’s father hired Beru’s engineering company to build the railway line. The authorities not only exempted the company from tax, but also subsidized it.
In addition, the authorities also knew to some extent that the origin of the goods of Lida’s father, Mr. Chalon, was somewhat unclear, and they turned a blind eye to this.
To reciprocate the favor, Chalon did not dare to evade the taxes here. His factory also hired a large number of Beru people. Anyway, this was no loss to him. The workers in Beru were all the best, but the wages were lower than those of Biafa. .
If all this is revealed, the name Chalon may have the same meaning as “Afa traitor”, but not many people know about this matter, and Chalon has long been hidden behind the scenes.
Those lands, factories and the commercial street were all bought by him in the name of others. The only thing that belonged to him was the railway track.
But the Beru people knew everything, and the Beru people also knew that in addition to Sharon, there was also Hel who was hiding behind the scenes, but the

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