hilation level death altar, which can make up for Hel’s lack of strength.

hilation level death altar, which can make up for Hel’s lack of strength.

What kind of undead servants can be refined with the abbot’s soul? This question does not require Herdu to spend much thought at all, because the large number of magic books and notes he collected from the Undying King record many refining such souls. secret method.
The war to exterminate demons that took place more than a thousand years ago was not completely unreasonable. One thing made the monks of the Holy See furious, and that was that necromancers liked to hunt the souls of pious clergy to refine undead demon servants. The more pious and firm the soul is, the more rare it is for them.
Among the undead demon servants refined with such souls, the most powerful ones are the Dark Bishop, Death Fanatic, Painful Prayer and Plague Preacher.
Dark Bishop and Plague Preacher have very strong attack power. The former uses dark magic as its main attack method. The two stunts of Death Roar and Soul Extraction give anyone who faces them a headache; the latter uses poison and curse. For the Lord, once he takes action, there will be overwhelming poisonous fog, evil smoke and various negative curses.
/However, in terms of destructive power, the most powerful one is death fanaticism.
Death Cult is the best vanguard and cannon fodder before the decisive battle. He can bless two high-level magics, or six intermediate magics, or dozens of low-level magics, and his attack method is absolutely suicidal, always rushing into the enemy’s formation. , all the magic bursts out in an instant.
In addition to being used on the frontal battlefield, Death Cult is also often used for assassinations. Among the single-use undead demon servants, it is the most terrifying existence.
The Prayer of Pain is an auxiliary form of the Undead Servant, which can double the power of other Undead Servants, weaken the power of attacks, and can also withstand the damage of other Undead Servants.
Hull’s favorite is Plague Missionary, but Plague Missionary has the same abilities as him, and Plague Missionary is very good at dealing with weak opponents, but not good at dealing with strong ones. He is a complete bully and shy character.
/After repeated weighings, he finally chose the cult of death, because what he lacked most was not the weapons for a protracted war. With Anna here, as long as he didn’t encounter any more life-saving prayers, he wouldn’t have to worry about a protracted war.
What he really lacks is the weapons to deal with masters.
A sharp whistle sounded, and Hull knew someone was coming to visit.
The alarm was connected to the doorbell of the house on the ground that was used as cover. As long as someone pulled the doorbell, he would know. Of course, there were other arrangements in the house. He would also know if someone broke in.
He said hello to Shirley in the bedroom next to him and asked the little girl to be more vigilant. Although this place had been checked using the “Secret Door Detection Technique”, absolute safety could not be guaranteed. He knew th

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