they did not tell me the specific time for repaying the money, I hope to return it as soon as possible. As for the interest, you should have no problem calculating it according to the bank’s interest rate.”

they did not tell me the specific time for repaying the money, I hope to return it as soon as possible. As for the interest, you should have no problem calculating it according to the bank’s interest rate.”

Jarok’s expression immediately changed. He was completely misled by Hull, thinking that the money was a show of mercy and generosity from the Holy See. To be honest, he envied Hull for having such luck.
He had some thoughts about the disposal of the money. Although the Holy See did not mention a time limit for repaying the money, the sooner the money was repaid, the better the Holy See’s impression of them would be. In order to enhance the relationship with the Holy See, he doubled the amount. The interest is necessary.
Seeing this check for 750,000 french dollars, Jarok finally felt lucky for his choice. He did not invest the 100,000 french dollars in his business. It was definitely the right choice.
Now he has to perform even better! Jalok said immediately: “Do you want to see the account book? Every expenditure is recorded in detail.”
/Hull patted the Yi Lei man on the shoulder and said easily: “I believe you, you are not a short-sighted person. What I want to know most now is, are there enough rooms here?”
“Yes, this place was originally a processing workshop. I rented it all and asked the craftsmen to divide it into many small areas. Although it is a bit crowded, it can definitely accommodate everyone.
“Each single person can be assigned a small room, and those with families have slightly larger rooms. I believe no one will complain about this. This long corridor can be used as a warehouse, and the patio can be used as an open-air processing plant. You can even have a carriage pull in at night.”
Jarok suddenly came forward with a face full of hospitality. He pointed to a room with a balcony upstairs in the shop and whispered: “I have prepared the best room for you. It was originally a clinic.”
Hull was slightly startled: “Clinic? Divine magic is so popular in the Holy See, is there any use for doctors? Divine magic is more convenient than medicine and has quick effects.”
Jarok quickly explained: “Magical magic is very effective in treating trauma, but not all diseases can be treated with magical magic, not to mention that the cost of magical treatment is too high, and ordinary people are still willing to seek medical treatment. In In the Holy See, doctors are also very profitable professions.”
“Okay, the second floor is for the doctor. Having a clinic is a good thing for everyone. It can make money externally. If any of us get sick, it will be easy to treat. As for my room, I choose it myself. I like it. Somewhere higher and quieter,” Hull said.
“How’s your own investment going?” Hull asked casually.
/Jarok was a little disappointed when he was not flattered just now. Now when he heard Hull ask this question, he immediately cheered up and answered: “I have decided to devote all my energy to managing everything here. My wife will take care of it.” Our property, she has her father and brothers help

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