the police station. This It doesn’t make sense. Since Peng Jiakai and Fan Zhen are on the same side, why would Fan Zhen want to arrest Peng Jiakai?

the police station. This It doesn’t make sense. Since Peng Jiakai and Fan Zhen are on the same side, why would Fan Zhen want to arrest Peng Jiakai?

the police station. This It doesn’t make sense. Since Peng Jiakai and Fan Zhen are on the same side, why would Fan Zhen want to arrest Peng Jiakai?
Also, this is my biggest question. At that time, Peng Jiakai and I were hiding under the bed. Peng Jiakai took my phone and turned it off. As soon as I turned it on, I received a series of text messages from Fan Zhen urging me to leave. Logically speaking, if There were only three of us at the scene at the time, and I was absolutely safe, but why was Fan Zhen so anxious to urge me to leave?
/In fact, this was not the only thing that puzzled me. From the moment Peng Jiakai took me to the middle of the wooden house in the woods and said that I was found inside, I already felt that something was deeply wrong.
This series of questions finally turned into a number in my mind – 801.
I feel that all questions seem to start from there, that is, the place where no clues seem to be found, but there should be a bigger secret hidden. More importantly, until now, I have not found the identification results of the rotting corpse. We don’t know yet, we only know that she is a tenant, but whether she is the woman in the recording and her connection with this case have always been a mystery.
Without mentioning 801 in advance, I just mentioned the wooden house that Peng Jiakai led me to. In fact, when I got there, I had a vague feeling that this was not the place where I first stayed. I vaguely remembered that the place I was in was very spacious. We walked for a while before we reached the door. I was tied to a chair. It was the person who came in who untied me and then helped me walk. Going out, this wide space formed a clear contrast with the narrow wooden house that Peng Jiakai showed me. So when Peng Jiakai tried to find something there, I didn’t think like him what we would find, because it was not the first scene. , the murderer has made careful arrangements, and it is impossible for us to find anything.
In other words, the wooden house in the woods is an illusion, which makes everyone think that it is the first scene. Except for me, no one else thinks it is inappropriate. At least Peng Jiakai and Fan Zhen have not raised questions now, that is to say They thought I was taken to the cabin.
And when I thought of this, a thought suddenly came to my mind, what if the murderer really wanted to kill me?
This idea came out of nowhere. Peng Jiakai said that the murderers didn’t want to do anything to me because they thought there was no danger in me being placed in the wooden house. But only I knew that I was tied up in a completely unfamiliar place. It is life-threatening, but this idea is not valid and there are many contradictions.
When the picture reaches this point, I can hardly remember it. It seems that there is something else behind it, but I just can’t remember it. The harder I try to think about it, the more blank it becomes.
So the most interesting thing to think about is the person who took me away. Who he is, I’m not sure whether he came to save me or an acc

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