holes dug in many places. I don’t know what it was for, but Shi Yanqiang was the only one accompanying me. He didn’t tell me anything, and I didn’t ask anything. There seemed to be some kind of tacit understanding between us, but there was also an atmosphere of suspicion. Surrounded in the middle, because we both knew that he hadn’t mentioned anything about the woods to me during my absence, I used my best thoughts for the time being. Even he didn’t know what was going on. He had no idea about the changes in the forest.

holes dug in many places. I don’t know what it was for, but Shi Yanqiang was the only one accompanying me. He didn’t tell me anything, and I didn’t ask anything. There seemed to be some kind of tacit understanding between us, but there was also an atmosphere of suspicion. Surrounded in the middle, because we both knew that he hadn’t mentioned anything about the woods to me during my absence, I used my best thoughts for the time being. Even he didn’t know what was going on. He had no idea about the changes in the forest.

holes dug in many places. I don’t know what it was for, but Shi Yanqiang was the only one accompanying me. He didn’t tell me anything, and I didn’t ask anything. There seemed to be some kind of tacit understanding between us, but there was also an atmosphere of suspicion. Surrounded in the middle, because we both knew that he hadn’t mentioned anything about the woods to me during my absence, I used my best thoughts for the time being. Even he didn’t know what was going on. He had no idea about the changes in the forest.
At this point, I want to talk about why I came to the woods. In fact, I didn’t want to come. I guess the place has become like this now. Even if I wanted to come, I wouldn’t be allowed, because I confirmed once again that this I don’t know any of the staff in the forest. They’re not from the office or the police station. They’re a whole new group of people. A team that has never appeared before.
There is only one reason why I am here again now. I just received a notice from the minister asking me to come here to assist. As for how to assist Fa and what I was going to assist with, he didn’t say anything, so Shi Yanqiang and I came here.
It was smooth sailing all the way though. But I saw that everything along the way was in order and was operating step by step. Everyone was performing their duties and concentrating on doing their own thing. No one paid any attention to us, not even a guide to lead the way. I only knew The place we were going to was deep in the woods, where the human remains were first found.
After I went in. I saw a person, that is, when I saw this person, I was a little shocked, because I didn’t expect that he would appear here so blatantly. When I saw him, I did not greet him immediately, but he was the first Time passed and he said: “The minister said you would come, so I have been waiting here early in the morning.”
When I saw Qian Yelong, I actually didn’t want to have too much contact with him, not only Because of the deal I had with him, I was more disgusted with him as a person. I said coldly: “Why are you here?”
/Qian Yelong pretended to be surprised and said: “Of course the minister sent me to preside over this place. At work, after all, you have other things to deal with during this period and you are not in the office. Someone must come out to do things, right?”
From the beginning, I didn’t think I could hide my whereabouts from these people, so I didn’t do these things. I have to argue with them. Besides, I am the captain who was asked to do this by the minister to stabilize me. It is reasonable not to let me do some sensitive and confidential things, so I am not surprised that the minister has such an arrangement. , and more importantly, from the beginning, I had no hope of repaying him.
Qian Yelong looked at Shi Yanqiang next to me, then smiled and said to me: “Let’s go for a walk and chat with you.”
I knew what he meant, so I said to Shi Yanqiang: “You Stay here and see if you need help. I’ll be back in a moment.”
After saying that, Qian Yelo

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