ouse at the entrance of the village!”

ouse at the entrance of the village!”

ouse at the entrance of the village!”
I just discovered why Wang Zhexuan was counting his steps when he walked in from the direction of the well. The direction he walked was exactly the same as the one he walked from the well entrance to the village. And I estimated it based on the visual distance. The distance he walked here is about the same as the distance between the wellhead and the first house in the village. In other words, there is a village buried in the rocks, and it is a village with the same layout as the mountain village where we live. .
So if you put it this way, it makes sense why there is a well here, because this well was originally the well at the entrance of the village and had exactly the same purpose. Therefore, if we go by speculation, the village where people live now, It was built according to the village buried by rocks, and it was built as if it were carved from a mold.
So the crux of the question is, why is it like this, why is it necessary to build an identical village, and why is this village buried in the rocks?
I think they should have the answer, and Wang Zhexuan Er seems to have known about it from the beginning, but he never said it. Wang Zhexuan Er felt that this place was familiar, so he came here and triggered the memory buried in his heart. Similarly, Fan Zhen said They actually came here to find this well because of this mystery, so to put it this way, they seemed to have no idea why this village was buried.
I just said, how could such an ordinary small mountain village be marked as a point on the map? The result really surprised me, and it really made me feel that my trip was indeed worthwhile, because I discovered more incredible things. thing. And my thoughts were turning rapidly. When I was thinking about these questions, my thoughts were running very fast. Soon I felt that the destruction and duplication of this mountain village were related to the disappearance case that year. After all, Fan Zhen was related to this place. It’s so close that it can’t be unrelated, and Mr. Yin is also involved, which makes the whole incident even more confusing.
/Thinking of this, I directly asked questions to answer the mystery in my heart, and the target was directly Wang Zhexuan Er. I asked him: “Is there anything else you haven’t told us?”
Just when I asked this sentence, I suddenly heard something coming, a dull sound, like the sound of an iron bell being struck.
/I held my breath and listened carefully, but when I listened, the sound disappeared again, so I looked at the two of them and asked: “Did you hear any sound?” I
already knew the answer when I asked, because I knew from their alert expressions that I wasn’t the only one who heard the sound. Then we didn’t speak, we all held our breaths to listen. After about ten seconds, the sound rang again. , this time we heard it clearly. It was indeed a bell, and the sound came from the bottom of the well. I counted six sounds in total. After six sounds, the sound stopped. It took about ten seconds. , it started ringing aga

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